I Accidentally Vaporize my Maths Teacher

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Amazing cover made by _BLACKSPADESZ .

Perci stood holding a clipboard with a sheet on it, pencil in hand. She hated Yancy field trips, mostly because they ended up with her getting some type of trouble. She stood in a museum of Ancient Greek Mythology, with statues and stuff. Mr Brunner, her Latin teacher was leading the trip.

Perci was wearing a T-shirt with a pant and some boots.

Perci was wearing a T-shirt with a pant and some boots

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"What you see here, they are not fictions. They are not fantasies."Mr. Brunner said as he adjusted in his wheelchair.

Mr. Brunner was a middle-aged man, thinning hair and a beard but taught one of Perci's favorite classes. He was also the only fair teacher at Yancy Academy, actually seeing all of the issues instead of just ignoring them.

Mr Brunner continued "What you see here are the truest and deepest parts of yourselves. Friends... the gods... the monsters, the heroes you see here in this room are reminders of what we are capable of. Now, on your worksheets, I want you to choose one of the subjects you see here and describe it. Not just how it looks... but how it makes you feel. Hmm? Okay, come on."

Perci looked down at her worksheet and the letters moved around the page like they always did. She had Dyslexia and ADHD.

Nancy Bobofit snickerd about some naked guy on the stele and Delia's temper snapped.

"Nancy, if you don't shut up, this is going to be your funeral stele."Perci waned and she realized that she said it louder than she meant to, before the entire class burst out laughing and Nancy went bright red as she said "Shit."

"Ms. Glaser, you will learn to control yourself, do you understand me?"Mrs. Dodds, their Math teacher said for no reason in a calming voice that pissed Perci off.

"Me?"Perci scoffed.

"Do you understand me?"Mrs. Dodds said.

"She can't help it, Mrs. Dodds. Perci is special."Nancy says, her friends laughing behind her.

"Nancy says, her friends laughing behind her

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Mr. Brunner interjected "Pay them no mind. When you're ready to hear what the gods have in store for you, they'll tell you. I believe in you. And I believe you'll be needing this."

Mr. Brunner handed Perci a pen with a smile which made Perci frowned in confusion.

Mr. Brunner continued "Hang on to that. 'Tis a mighty instrument."

Later, Perci and Grover were sitting away from the rest of Yancy's students on the edge of a fountain, digging into their lunches.

Grover said as he opened his sandwitch "There are all sorts of schools of thought about what drives that kind of bullying. Childhood trauma, feelings of inadequacy..."

Perci replied as she gave the cheese to Grover on her sandich since she hated cheese "Look, I get that Nancy has issues, I'm just getting tired of her taking them out on me. I feel like... maybe it's time to do something about it."

Grover suggested "You could make an appointment to see Mr. Kane. He's really good at talking..."

Perci interrupted "I was thinking more like shoving Nancy in the nearest dumpster."

Perci smiled at the thought.

Grover said, shaking his head "Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, if there's one thingI know about bullies, it is that you should never, ever stand up to them."

"That doesn't sound right."Perci says.

Grover sighed "Look... I know this place is hard for people like us. But we're not gonna be here forever. There are better places out there."

Grover was interrupted by a slice of cheese hitting him in the face.

"Oops."Nacy said, obviously not meaning it.

Perci was so mad, her mind went blank with rage. A wave roared in her ears. She don't remember touching Nancy but the next thing she knew, Nancy was sitting on her butt in the fountain, screaming "Perci pushed me!"

Perci suddenly felt a weird vibration sensation in her pocker and she pulled out the pen that Mr. Brunner gave her. It was shaking violently and she heard someone speak "There you are..."

Perci looked up from her hand to see Mrs. Dodds walking toward her, but she wasn't moving her mouth as she heard her voice "We're not fools, Delia."

Perci asked "Mrs. Dodds, you okay?"

Mrs. Dodds said "It was only a matter of time before we found you."

Perci saw her transform into something unexplainable. Scaly and she had big wings, her fingers grew into talons and claws. She wasn't human.

Mrs. Dodds hissed "Where is it, half-blood? Where is it?"

Perci was backing up, that that did nothing as she flew at her. She ended up tripping, letting Mrs. Dodds or whoever she was, pin her to the ground. She growled in their face until the pen Delia in her hand turned into a sword. Perci was too scared to even think about it as she watched her math teacher become dust, fading away like unstable sandcastle in front of a fan.

Then Perci passed out.

When she woke up, there were people standing above her, one of them being Grover.

"Give her some room, please."Perci heard Mr. Brunner said and they walked away from her.

Grover helped Perci sit up, and Perci stood up slowly.

"What happened? Where's Mrs. Dodds?"Perci asked.

Delia didn't get an answer, only Mrs. Brunner telling everyone to go back to lunch.

"I don't understand. Didn't anyone just see that? Where's Mrs. Dodds?"Delia asked them.

"Perci, there's no one here by that name."Mr. Brunner said, making Delia even more confused. She looked over at Grover and he shook his head.

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