The Prophecy Comes True Part One

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"Single combat!"Perci said to Ares as she pointed her sword at him.

"What?"Ares chuckled.

"What?"Luke and Grover asked.

Perci said "One-on-one, but I set the terms. I keep the bolt and you surrender the helm. Do you accept?"

Ares laughed "I mean it's your funeral, kid. Although, just to be clear, no funeral. Any trace of you leaves a trace of my plan, and we can't have that."

Perci asked as she walked closer to Ares "It wasn't your plan, though, was it? It was Kronos. It was his idea to frame Poseidon's daughter and steal Hades's helm and Zeus's bolt to start a war. Is that where he got to you, too? Through your dreams?"

"Gods don't dream, young lady...and no one tells the god of war how to start a fight. And after you die... say hi to your mommy for me."Ares said, raising his voice.

Perci got angry and she took out her sword as Ares started charging toward her. Ares swung first, but Perci dodged it easily. Ares went for her and knocked her to the ground. He went to attack him but Perci's magic from Hecate as her great granddaughter came out and she magically blasted him away. Perci quickly get out but Ares was able to quickly overpower her and pick her as she kept her sword away from her face.

Ares grabbed her. Perci went to cut him, but Ares simply knocked Perci's sword out of her hands. He threw her to the ground, making her wince.

Ares kicked her away from him and Perci rolled into some sandy water. Perci got angrier as she slowly got up.

Perci trailed "I warned you... if you're not careful... you'll find out...who I am."

The water behind her grew into a very large, powerful wave, going up about 50 feet in the air, and knocked Ares down, his sword flying not too far from him. Perci started charging towards Ares. He tried to block Perci's attack but couldn't and the daughter of Poseidon was able to get behind him and cut his ankle.

Luke and Grover ran over to Perci.

Luke smiled at his girlfriend "And you thought you were just a normal girl."

Ares said sarcastically as he clapped "Yay! That was so cool. Wanna know what you really won today? An enemy for life. Congrats."

He started glowing, which was very freaky and weird.

Grover told them and they all looked away until they heard a loud metallic thud "Don't look at his true form!"

They looked to see Hades helm sitting in the sand. Luke walked over to grab it, bending down to pick it up.

"Perci. Perci."Perci heard a voice called out and she turned around. She saw the blue cabin's lights turn on.

"I'll be right back."Perci muttered as she quickly made her way to the door.

She opened the door and heard the radio's muffled sound of someone saying something about the weather. Perci noticed the kettle was whistling, meaning the stove was on but she was more focused on something more important.

"Mom?"Perci asked.

When she didn't get a reply, Perci walked over to the radio and turned it off so she could hear if there were any sounds.

Alecto said from behind her "Quite something, isn't it? Using earthquakes to clear the skies? Lord Poseidon grows bold in his war against his king."

Luke and Grover walked in as well, Luke holding the helm.

Perci stated as she grabbed the helm from Luke's arms and set it on the island in front of Alecto "Hades sent you to retrieve it. That's been your quest all along."

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