Trip To Camp Half Blood

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As Julie drove, Grover said "My job has been to guide you to this moment. It's always an emotional rollercoaster for a young demigod, so providing a support system is really..."

"Who are you?"Perci interrupted him.

Her best friend who she had known for years, wasn't her best friend.

"I'm Grover. I'm your best friend and..."Grover said.

"What are you?"Perci interrupted again.

Grover answered "I'm a satyr. And I'm your Protector."

"You're my protector?"Perci asked.

Grover explained "If I hadn't gotten you kicked out of school, you'd have never survived the night. And what's chasing us now would have found you there easily. I'm sorry. Usually, I can sense danger coming a mile away, but this time... Well, none of us saw Dodds coming."

"So you knew. That thing that Dodds turned into, you saw it happen? Why didn't you say anything?"Perci said, upset.

Grover told her "I saw some of it. The Mist kept her hidden even from us until it was too late."

"Mist? What's a mist?"Perci asked.

"The Mist. It's the veil that hides the magical world from the human world. My legs. Dodds' wings. Even Dodds' absence, but it isn't supposed to hide things from me. That never happens. Something powerful is at work here. The sooner we get you to camp, the better off you're..."Grover said.

Perci frowned in confusion.

Grover asked Julie "You told her about camp, right?"

"Not yet, no."Julie said.

Grover explained "Camp is a sanctuary for half-bloods. A safe space where you can learn who you are and what the world is like on the other side of the Mist. Uh, it's not far, actually, just a little ways past the bend up there."

"Mom, what else haven't we talked about? What else haven't you told me?"Perci asked her mom.

She didn't really have time to answer her daughter as something giant fell from the sky. They all turned around to look and Delia saw a creature that she recognized from one of the cards Grover and her looked during lunch a few times.

Perci asked "Is that the Minotaur?"

"Once the attacks start, they never let up. Okay? Dodds was just the beginning. He is next. He... he is brutal. He is relentless."Grover warned.

"Grover, he's wearing underwear!"Perci shouted.

The Minotaur kept getting closer to the car as Julie tried her best to drive safely, but quickly through the pouring rain.

Grover told Perci "The Mythomagic cards were training. Everything has been training for what's still ahead of you."

"What's ahead of me?"Perci asked.

"Kids."Julie says.

"Yeah?"Perci asked.

Grover admitted but she didn't have enough time to really think about it until the car swerved into the side of the Minotaur " I'm actually 24."

The monster growled and jammed its horns into the side of the car, the glass of the windows shattering. Perci opened her eyes to see a car coming towards them, but thankfully her mom was able to swerve just in time, crashing into the woods.

Once everyone made sure the car was fully stopped, Grover kicked the back window of the car so they could get out.

Julie asked "Is everyone okay?"

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