The Underworld Part Two

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Walking up to the palace, Perci could see all the detail of the stone it was made out of, and how it looked like it was forged for Hades. The two statues by the front gate moved and turned out to be people. They had helmets on. The gate opened for them, and they walked inside. They walked in a bit and stopped to take in the place when the floor they were standing on started to move. Like a stage platform.

"Well, this thing is slow."Perci mumbled.

Once they made it all the way to the floor above, it made a loud thud, like it was locking in place/

Grover asked "Is this our stop, or...?"

Perci didn't get a chance to reply because she suddenly heard footsteps that were quickly getting louder and closer to them. She looked over to the throom and saw someone, probably Hades.

He said "Hey, fellas. Welcome! Sorry about all the... Oh... Anyways, it's great to meet you. I know who you are, and you know who I am, so we can just skip right past that part. Can I get you anything? Fresh pomegranate juice, a snack?"

"My mother."Perci told him.

Hades muttered "Boom. Straight to business. I admire the cut of your jib. Little nautical reference for you. I see you."

"Where is she?"Perci asked.

Hades said as he started walking toward his throne "Where is she? Right. Okey-doke. Let's get to it. Your mom's just over here. You've come all this way, don't be shy."

They followed him to his throne and she froze when she saw her mom. She was frozen in gold, like a statue.

"Mom? What did you do to her?"Perci asked angrily.

Hades chuckled "Uh. Saved her life? You know, typically, getting crushed by a Minotaur is a terminal diagnosis. I snagged her for ya, just in the 'ta-da' nick of time, so that you would come see me. And here we are. You give me what you got, and I'm giving you what I got."

Perci muttered "I...I can't give it to you."

"Ah, see, there's a quid and a quo here."Hades replied.

Perci told him "The bolt doesn't belong to you. Your plan almost worked. You and Ares managed to steal the bolt, trick me into bringing it right down and giving it to you. But it's wrong, and I won't do it. So all I can do is ask you to do the right thing, too. Please... let my mom go."

"Huh? What? Who...who tricked Ares into doing what?"Hades asked.

Grover replied "You're in cahoots with Ares, to secure the bolt. I'm not in cahoots with Ares."

"I seldom 'cahoot.' The bolt is my brothers' drama, I don't want any part of it."Hades said.

"Wait, I'm sorry. You don't want it?"Perci asked.

"No."Hades said.

"Then what do you want?"Perci asked.

Hades explained "My helm! My Helm of Darkness. It went missing just days before someone used it to turn invisible and steal the bolt. I'd like it back now, please, and then you get your mom back."

"You really don't want the bolt?"Perci asked.

Hades said "Why would I want that?"

"To start a war between your brothers."Grover told him.

"Why would I want that?"Hades asked.

"Jealousy."Grover said.

Hades scoffed "I don't know if you noticed, but it's all candy canes and rainbows down here. I'm managing just fine. I don't really do jealous. My brothers, on the other hand, have the market cornered on jealous. Family drama is why I don't go up there anymore. These grudges, they go on forever. Super unhealthy. Someone stole Zeus's bolt, it wasn't me, it must have been somebody who was..."

"Kronos."Perci interrupted.

"Excuse me?"Hades asked.

"He's got the longest grudge of them all. Zeus took Kronos's throne. Who else has a bigger reason to weaken Zeus and take his throne back?"Perci stated.

"Kronos is in a million pieces at the bottom of..."Hades started.

Perci cut him off "Tartarus, where something just tried to pull us into it the moment the bolt appeared in our bag. Tartarus... where I've been hearing a voice from in my dreams, telling me it needs my help to take down Olympus. I assumed that was you, but that voice I heard... that definitely did not sound like you."

"Ask me for sanctuary."Hades sighed, crossing his arms.

"What?"Perci asked.

Hades said "If Kronos is somehow planning to emerge from his exile, and you were his first call... you're not safe. Ask me and I'll protect you. You and your mother. And the goat. I'll throw him in, on the house. This works out nicely for you as it turns out. All it'll cost you is the bolt."

"I thought you didn't want the bolt?"Grover frowned.

Hades stated "I don't want the bolt. Now, I need the bolt. If war with Kronos is coming, I'd like to be prepared. Not messing around here, kid. This only ends one way. The only question is how difficult you make it."

"No."Perci replied.

"Give me the bag."Hades demanded.

Perci took out the pearl from her pocket as Hades said "Nice pearl."

Perci told him "I accept your offer. Your first offer. We're gonna go get your helm. And when I get back, you're gonna let my mom go."

"Okay. Hang on, kid."Hades said.

"Grover, now!"Perci yelled.

Grover threw his pearl on the ground while Perci looked at her mom.

"Hold fast, Mom."Perci whispered before throwing hers down too.

Perci woke up on a beach, Luke walking over to her. Luke helped her up, Grover getting up by himself. Perci was glad that Luke was safe but her feelings of relief went away when she saw Ares walking over to them with his sword and she realized he was here to kill them.

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