Camp Half Blood

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Perci thought that she was in and out of consciousness many times, because the things she remember seeing were blurry and confusing, so she just passed out again. One thing that was on her mind the whole time was her mom. 

Once she woke up, things looked a bit more clearer as she opened her eyes. She sat up and noticed Grover.

"It's okay. You're safe."Grover said softly.

Perci looked over and saw the Minotaur's horn on a table.

"That was real?"Perci whispered.

"Well, it's a big deal to kill a monster like that. So, I wanted everyone to know..."Grover said.

Perci asked "Did you see it? Did you see what happened to my mom?"

Grover apologized "I did. I'm sorry... for... everything. My job was to protect you, to get you here safely. Maybe if I'd told you the truth a little sooner, your mom would still be here..."

Perci cut him off as it was hurting her to hear him say that her mom was gone "Please. Stop."

"I know this isn't easy but I wanna talk about it."Grover said.

"I don't. Your job was to get me here alive. So your job is done."Perci sighed and she got out of bed, realizing that she was in a pair of shorts. She saw her pants on a chair and slipped them over the short.

Perci walked towards the exit and Grover followed and spoke up "Where are you going?"

Perci muttered "It was so important I get here 'cause my father's a god. So I'm gonna go find him."

Once they walked out of whatever place they were in, Perci saw a large body of water and a group of people with canoes. They were wearing orange shirts, just like the one Grover was wearing. The birds were chirping and it was warm. If everything bad in the entire existence of the world didn't happen however many days ago, Perci would almost say this place was somewhere where she would like to be. Almost.

She looked over to her left and she saw a man with a big bushy beard. She opened the door and noticed a wheelchair sitting next to the man, sunglasses on his face.

"Excuse me? I'm Perci Glaser. I'm new here."Perci said as she looked at the man.

"Paris Glover is here!"The man hollered to someone.

"Okay... That isn't... really my name. I guess I'm looking for the office? Or whoever's in charge, so..."Perci muttered.

"Perci muttered

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"Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Delia, um, Mr. D, Camp Director. Mr. D, this is, uh, Perci Glaser."Grover introduced once he ran in.

"Yeah, Grover. I heard her the first time."Mr. D said.

"Did you?"Perci asked.

Grover pulled her to the tide to talk and said "Okay. You really don't wanna start with this guy."

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