We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium Part One

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They took a taxi out of the countryside and into western Long Island. Perci enjoyed seeing the outside after everything that's happened, it made her feel a bit connected to her mom again, even though she was down in the Underworld with Hades, seeing all the building helped bring her down to earth.

When they got out of the taxi, there were crowds of people. They headed inside the bus station and Luke pointed out the bus they needed to get on. They ended up sitting in the back. Perci sat with Grover while Luke sat by himself in the seats across from them.

Perci muttered "There is no way this is what sacred smells like."

"We're soldiers on a mission. It's not a vacation."Luke told him.

Perci said sarcastically "Thank you for clearing that up. But if this is so important, why didn't Chiron spring for plane tickets? This seems kind of low priority, doesn't it?"

"Sorry, I assumed someone had told you."Grover told her.

"Tell me what?"Perci asked.

"Perci, it isn't just the monsters who are gonna be trying to stop us."Grover said.

Luke added "You're a forbidden child. Zeus could decide to try and hurt you himself. The sky is his domain. We'd be serving you up on a silver platter to try to travel through it."

Perci muttered "Yeah, no one mentioned that."

Everyone decided to take a nap once they settled down, deciding it was good to reserve their stregth but Perci couldn't seem to fall alseep.

"Relax."Luke told her in a soft voice.

"I'm trying. These seats aren't exactly comfortable."Perci grumbled.

"Okay. Let's talk then. Maybe it'll make you tired."Luke said, shuffling to look at her.

"Worth a shot, I guess. What do you wanna talk about?"Perci shrugged.

"That's depend, what's on you mind?"His voice was soft, comforting.

"You know, I've always wanted to know how you got your scar. On your face?"Perci asked quietly.

"Oh, this old thing? My father sent me on a quest a few years ago. I had to battle a dragon to get this Golden thing. It's claw scratched my face."Luke told her.

"Lucky your eyes didn't get cut out. That would've sucked."Perci smiled, making him smile.

"Yeah, it would've. Can you imagine? A dashing one-eyed demigod?"Luke smirked.

Perci laughed "Oh don't get full of yourself."

"Don't worry. I'm not, I'm the most modest demigod at camp. Can I say something?"Luke smiled.

"Sure."Perci said.

"In our word, we have this thing called mates. Basically it's the person who you meant to be with. And what I'm trying to say is that you are mine. How do you feel about that?"Luke said.

"I don't hate it but I want to know you."Perci smiled.

Luke said, standing up "Okay, I'm gonna go get us some snacks."

"I'll come with you."Perci told him.

Luke said shaking his head "No, you'll stay right there."

Perci asked "Why? It smells terrible back here."

" Monsters can't smell you through that, so that's where I want you."Luke says.

"I wanna vote. Who thinks that we should all go get to breathe fresh air and buy our own snacks?"Perci said.

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