Lotus Part Two

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They searched for a while until they found a poker game in action. There was a man sitting on the end, telling a story to the other players. Luke and Perci walked closer so he could see them.

"Hey, demigods! Welcome!"Hermes smiled.

"We were sent to find you."Luke said with a cold look.

"Well, you found me. Come join us. You kids know how to play craps?"Hermes told them.

"Look, we don't really have a lot of time. We need your help to..."Perci started.

Hermes interrupted "I know what you need my help for. You want my help to sneak into the Underworld."

Perci muttered "Wow. You're a really good guesser."

"I exist beyond space and time, kid. Why do you think they put me in charge of delivering the mail? Look, you're not the first demigods to ask and, trust me, you won't be the first demigods to walk away disappointed. So you might as well at least play a little..."

"Unbelievable! You can't even recognize your own son?"Luke cut him off making Hermes smile fell.

"Luke?"Hermes asked.

"Hello, dad."Luke said.

"Okay."Hermes mumbled before tossing the poker things aside.

He teleported them to a different room, one with a bit of privacy.

"Time and space are easy, kids. Parenting is...something else entirely. Have a seat. I haven't seen you, Luke since..."Hermes said as he sat down.

"Since a long time. Do you remember what I said the last time I saw you? That what happened to mom was your fault. That it was all your fault. That I hated you. Help us get to the Underworld. Help us retrieve Zeus's master bolt from Hades, and maybe I'll change my mind about you."Luke told his father.

Hermes said after a shirt pause "There is a way into the Underworld. A secret way. I've helped others find it before. And do you know what happens every time? I mean, every single time. You don't want my help."

Perci replied "No, we actually kind of do."

"I was warned to stay away from Luke and his mother. Warned that no matter how much I tried to help, I would just make things worse. And I went anyway. And it wasn't just awful for Luke. It was awful for all of us. Do you know what that feels like? To be so close to someone you love, knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other? I know you do."Perci said before touching Perci's hand.

Perci had a flashback to a time in the car with her mom. A memory she didn't wanna go back to.

"Should I remind you, too?"Hermes asked his son but he pulled away.

Luke said "I remember just fine. Are you gonna help us or not?"

Hermes grabbed his drink and sat back before he tells "I don't get involved anymore. It's just not worth it. I'm sorry."

"Then this was all just a waste of time. And we don't have time to waste."Luke said before getting up and leaving.

"He's right to be angry. It isn't fair. None of it is."Hermes says.

Perci said sarcastically, going to get up "Thanks. That's super helpful."

"It was your father who warned me to stay away. Said it was awful watching you struggle and feel powerless to stop it. But that sometimes... that's what parenting is."Hermes told her.

Perci frowned "I was supposed to see him. He said he'd meet me in Santa Monica. Why would he say that if he thinks it'll make things worse?"

Hermes sighed "It is... very hard for a god to feel powerless. I guess we're all just doing the best we can. Makes you feel any better, it won't be much use now anyway."

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