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Perci walked into a store called Crusty's Waterbed Palace'. The bell jingled, letting the owner know she was there as Perci saw all of the different beds. All of them actually looked comfortable but thanks to Luke, Perci knew twhat they really were. A trap. You lay in one of the beds and you're stuck there forever until you die. There were many different types of beds, but they were all waterbeds. Wood, different sheets, queen size, king size, etc...

A man said "Welcome, weary traveler! Come on in and take a load off. These beds will change your... life."

The man noticed the age of Perci and then said "Well... hello there. Missing our mommy, are we?"

Perci told him, ignoring the comment that sorta pissed her off "I know who you are. You're Procrustes. Son of Poseidon, and murderer of travelers."

"Crusty, please."The man said.

"I don't know why you'd prefer that one. They're both awful names."Perci muttered and Crusty started walking toward her.

"And you... you've got Dad's eyes. And his bad attitude. Take a load off. Relax for a minute."He said.

Perci replied "The beds are a trap. That's how you do it. How you murder your guests."

"I do?"Crusty asked, playing innocent.

Perci sighed, annoyed with his behavior "I know there's a secret passage to the Underworld here. I know you were left here to guard it. But I need you to let me through. Please?"

Crusty looked away for a second before turning away from her completely, continuing to try to convince her to lay down in one of the beds "In addition to being incredibly comfortable, these beds are great for your self-confidence."

"I'm really not interested..."Perci said.

"They show you how to fit. Fitting's not easy for guys like us, am I right? Our parents make it so hard. Stretching us and twisting us and hacking off pieces to make us seem more like them."Crusty interrupted.

As he spoke, he kept walking closer.

Crusty slapped the water bed, making it jiggle around and said "Anywho... these beds take all that away. With these beds, you just... fit. Try it. I think you'll feel much better."

"You first."A voice said.

It was Luke.

Luke, invisible, pushed Crusty onto the purple water bed that Crusty was standing in front of. The bed immediately tied him down, keeping him from going anymore.

"You okay?"Luke asked once he took the hat off.

"Yeah, I'm fine."Perci said, nodding.

Crusty piped up "You won't save her. You won't be the first to try bringing someone back from the Underworld. You won't be the first to fail."

Luke told him sternly "Hey! You're lucky we're letting you keep your head, dummy. Don't push it."

The door jingled again and Perci looked over to see Grover peeking his head in, and asked "Is it over?"

Perci, Luke and Grover now stood in front of a dark blue door with a 'Do Not Enter' sign on it.

"Are we sure this is the right way?"Perci asked the group.

She didn't get a response back but they all exchanged glances before Grover decided to walk up to the door and open it. It creaked open, a low howling wind washing through her ears and blowing her hair back a little from her forehead. Grover coughed and immediately went back over to where they were standinf as he said "It's either the realm of the dead, or someone left a carton of milk in there in the 1990s."

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