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Turned out that Julie had used Medusa's head to turn Gabe into a statue. And as promised, Perci had taught Luke how to drive a car. Luke decided to get his driving license which he obtained. He also learned how to drive a bike. School was so incredibly boring, mind-numbingly that Perci often wondered to herself, why didn't she stay at Camp Half Blood and train for the rest of the year like any sane person would. But coming home to her mum who looked increasingly more and more happy at how her wiritng course was going was the exact reason why.

"How was school? Did you learn a lot?"Perci asked her mom as she leant over the back of her chair, kissing her cheek as she typed away at her computer.

Perci was wearing a top with a brown leather jacket, a jean and some boots.

Perci was wearing a top with a brown leather jacket, a jean and some boots

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"Stop it. How was school?"Julie laughed, patting her cheek and pushing her off her.

"As boring as usual."Perci said before she added with a grin "Also, I'm.. uh... out tonight."

"You're out? With who?"Julie asked.

"You remember Luke?"Perci said.

"Really?"Julie asked.

"Yeah."Perci said.

"What are you two doing?"Julie asked.

"Good questions. I won't lie to you, mum. I'm going on a date with Luke from camp who went on the quest with me. He's picking me up at 6pm, I won't be back until late. We good?"Perci told her.

"We're good. Just wanted to see how long it took you to break."Julie laughed.

"That's cruel."Perci said before going to take a shower. Once she finished shower, she did her makeup and changed her clothes. She decided to wear a cute short black dress with some boots along with a jacket. She also wore the pendant Hecate gave to her.

 She also wore the pendant Hecate gave to her

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Julie looked at her daughter as she walked in and said "You look beautiful."

Perci then followed her mother's advice and waited for Luke to ring the doorbell. Julie watched it all from the kitche, shaking her head and laughing.

Finally, the clock hit six and the doorbell rang.

"You gonna get it?"Julie asked and Perci took a final deep breath and opened the door. 

Luke smiled "Ready to go?"

"Yeah."Perci said nodding, grabbing onto Luke's hand as he waved inside.

"Hi, Ms. Glaser. I'll have her back at 11."Luke told Julie.

"Have her back whenever."Julie said.

Luke laughed and nodded, tugging Perci out of the house. As soon as they were out of the front door, he pulled her finally into his arms, pressing a quick kiss to her lips and said "Hi, Sleeping Beauty."

"Hi you. What's the plan for tonight?"Perci grinned standing on her tip toes to kiss him again.

"Picnic, near the sea."Luke replied.

"In October?"Perci asked.

"Yep. Come on. Thirty minutes drive there, thirty minutes drive back."Luke says as he held the door open for her before nudging her towards the car.

"I like the sound of it."Perci replied, grinning as they took off from New york.

The drive was quiet as Luke and Perci listened to the songs on the radio, watching the scenery fly past in a mixture of neon lights, flashing cars and quiet roads. Finally, Luke into a car park as they both jumped out.

It was cold, the wind biting but Luke had a blanket in the back of the car that they took, heading for the sandy beach. The waves crashed against the shores as Perci grinned, sitting on the blanket that Luke had set up as he wrapped the other, thinker, blanket around both of them. Perci shuffled closer as they began to east the food, talking about anything and everything since she had left camp.

Of course they already spoke every day or so, but it was nice to have him here in person so they could talk.

He laughed at something Perci said, shaking his head as she grinned "Told you it was funny."

"He really waves his hand like the dancing cactus toy? I don't beliebe you!"Luke chuckled.

"He does! He literally speaks and waves his hands like this..."Perci cried back indignantly.

She demonstrated as Luke laughed even harder.

"And that's why my entire school calls him Mr. Cactus."She said.

Luke flopped onto the sand, bringing her with him as the pair continued to laugh. When she opened her eyes, she began to grin at the sight of the stars far above them.

"They're pretty tonight."She muttered.

"Do you know the constellations?"Luke asked.

"Nope. Do you?"Perci said.

"Yeah. Stars are used for travel, so as a child of the traveller god, I know them. Those three stars? That's Orion, the Hunter, holding his bow."Luke grinned before pulling her closer and pointing at it.

"I see it."Perci grinned.

"The four in a sort of rectangle? That's Canis Major. The really bright star is Sirius. Canis Major is one of Orion's hunting dogs, the larger one. Just above that is Canis Minor."Luke explained.

"Let me guess the smaller of the hunting dogs? So we're really seeing Orion and his hunting dogs tonight?"Perci asked as Luke nodded with a grin.

"Absolutely. It depends on the season and where we aare but there are thousands of constellation."Luke grinned.

"I know the pan one."Perci said.

"The Big Dipper?"Luke asked.

"Yeah, that one. You can see it in Montauk. We don't really see all that many stars in New York though, cause of light pollution and everything in."Perci replied.

"I used to see the stars a lot at home. We lived on a hill so we were above the noise and the traffic and the light. I could always see the stars. They used to guide me when I ran away and met Alexander, so that's what I would use to navigate us."Luke said.

"How do you feel about his betrayal?"Perci asked.

"I'm angry. We swore being family and he did this? He was like my brother. And before I met you, I almost were drawn to join them but that's all change when I met you. You changed me completely. You were the light in the darkness. And I knew as long as I had you, I would be okay."Luke said.

Perci smiled at him and they kissed passionately.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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