The Oracle

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Perci moved to cabin three, Poseidon's cabin. Perci was really starting to enjoy cabin eleven starting to feel at home again but now it was just her.

The attention that came with being a child of the sea god was overwhelming at the time. She didn't like all the campers staring at her whenever she was doing something.

There was a bed, laid out just like her room back at home. It made her feel better but it also reminded her of her mother.

Grover telling her that she didn't die, even though watching someone disappear into dust definitely looked like it, but instead Hades stole her.

Once she got settled, she was allowed to hold off for another day before she went back to the Big House to talk to Chiron. He explained things better than Mr/ D did. No screaming, no arguing. He explained how Poseidon, her father was always a jealous man towards his brother Zeus. How they had a massive argument before Zeus found out about his master bolt was missing. Zeus blamed Poseidon pretty much immediately after, and that caused them to keep threatening war until Zeus got his bolt back.

That happened months ago.

The only reason Zeus is pissed at Perci was because she was Poseidon's daughter. Chiron went on to explain how a child of the Big Three was rare, but being both a daughter of the sea god and the great granddaughter of the goddess of magic was even more. It attracts attention.

Right now, Perci was walking up four flights of stairs, the stairs ending under a green trap door. She enetered the attaic that Chiron said the Oracle was in. Chiron told her that it would confirm the quest she was meant to go on.

The attic was filled with Greek hero junk: armor stands, old shields, leather chest plates, spare swords etc.

Towards the back of the attic by the window, she saw a guesome sight. A mummy. But not the sterotypical mummy. An unwrapped, shriveled human husk of a woman. She wore a tie-dyed sundress, tons of beaded necklaces and her white hair almost blended in with her pale face.

Looking at her freaked Perci.

"Hi, I'm Perci. It's nice to meet you. I was told a quest isn't a quest until you've said so? Which is weird considering you're a Halloween decoration."Perci said her voice cracking, making her grimace.

The woman moved, gasping as she sat up in the chair.

"Oh, geez... You seem busy. I'll come back."Perci said but then the woman rasped breathing got louder.

A green mist swirled out of her mouth, it only getting thicker as it collight right in front of Perci. It swirled faster until it created a picture of Gabe.

Perci scoffed "Come on, really?"

Gabe said "You shall go west, and face the god who has turned, And You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned, You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend, And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end."

When the mist began to disappear, Perci was still processing the words she was given. The mummy recoiled back into her chair and remained still no matter jow much Perci tried to get more answers. She sighed and walked out.

Now, at the Mess Hall, all the campers and directiors stood in the Mess Hall as Chiron said "The Oracle has confirmed what we expected, that this quest will proceed toward the Underworld, where you will confront the god who has rebelled against his brothers. Hades. The entrance to Hades's domain lies under the city of Los Angeles. This is where you will journey to. Time is short. I have selected our most compelling candidates, from which you will choose two to join you on this quest and ensure that we succeed."

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