I Plunge to My Death Part Two

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They were walking through the streets as Grover stated "We aren't gonna be able to outrun them for very long."

Luke said "We don't need to. We just need a safe place to hole up. Some place safe."

"Any ideas where we might find one of those?"Perci asked.

"I do. A sanctuary, dedicated to Athena, built by one of her demigod children a long time ago."Luke explained.

Grover asked "There is an Athenian temple hidden somewhere in the middle of downtown St. Louis?"

"Yes. Except it's not all that hidden."Luke said.

They walked for a few more minutes and came to the gateway arch. They walked inside and Luke started talking again "It's 630 feet wide, 630 feet tall, both to within an inch. It's got no internal support. Each side is balanced perfectly against the other. The arch is held up by symmetry. It's held up by math. And it's earthquake-proof, so Poseidon can't ruin it."

"Nice."Perci said as they walked into a crowd of people, all looking at the displayed thingq.

"Excuse me. Alexander would say if he was here that it's a monument to the power of perfection."Luke teased.

"It's a monument to some other stuff, too. Anyway, we're safe here, right?"Grover asked uncomfotably looking around the animals around us.

Luke said, nodding "No monsters can enter. Not even Echidna. We're safe."

Grover said, looking at a painting of humans killing animals before walking away "Great. Well, since our train exploded, I'm gonna see if there's another one we can get tickets on. We can't stay here forever. Just because we're prey, doesn't mean we need to be helpless."

"He doesn't like it when people mess with animals."Perci said.

"Oh, I know."Luke told her.

Perci said "I guess you were right, by the way. We needed a safe place, and Athena had one waiting. Pretty lucky we happened to be in the right city for it."

"Luck or fate?"Luke asked.

"I would say fate."Perci smiled.

"You, this is Athena's place, but a temple is a temple. Maybe you could say hi to your dad while we're here."Luke told her.

"No thanks."Perci said, shaking her head.

"Why not?"Luke asked.

"The relation I have with my dad... I don't want anything from him. He's had his chances. Honestly, you've done more for me in the past few days than my father has done in my entire life. If I have to stick with someone, I..."Perci trailed off.

"Careful. I think you were about to call me a friend. Or maybe something more. Somewhere around here the Oracle is laughing at us."Luke smirked but Perci started feeling dizzy.

Perci suddenly lost all ability to keep herself standing, but Luke caught her before she fully fell and said "Perci!"

"Hey! What happened?"Grover asked, running over.

"I think... I think those stinger things were poisonous."Perci whispered. She could feel the color draining from her face as she suddenly felt like completely shit.

"I have an idea. Come on, help me."Luke said as he and Grover helped Perci stand.

Luke and Grover were all splashing Perci with water as she sat in the fountain. She closed her eyes, the only thing she was feeling was the cold water.

 "The water cured her back at camp, it should work for poison too, right?"Luke asked.

"You know, I think it's... I think it's working. This was a great call."Perci whispered, just wanting them to stop splashing her.

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