Getting Expelled

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Perci was used to weird things happening to her, but what happened with Mrs. Dodds was way more weird that she could handle. She knew what she saw, she knew that she existed so she didn't understand why everyone was saying that she didn't. She wanted to believe them but the random flashbacks of the field trip every time she zone out remind her that it definitely happened. Perci ended up getting in trouble once they got back to Yancy."

The headmaster said, having to look back in his notes that he felt necessary to take "The truth... can be so very hard to determine... but in this case, the truth seems very hard to deny. Ms. Glaser, a number of your classmates saw you and Mr. Underwood arguing with Ms. Bobofit, yet you have offered no explanation for how she ended up in that fountain, other than, uh... 'I didn't touch Nancy.'"

"I didn't touch Nancy."Perci replied.

The headmaster asked Grover "Mr. Underwood? Do you have anything to add?"

"Yes. Perci had told me earlier in the day that she wanted to get back at Nancy for all she'd done to us."Grover said, making Perci look at him.

"Grover?"Perci muttered, the betrayal in her voice.

"And she isn't being truthful about what happened at the fountain."Grover said.

"Grover!"Perci says in disbelief.

"Exuse me? Are you saying you saw Ms. Glaser assault Ms. Bobofit?"The headmaster asked Grover and Perci looked at him, hoping he'd be honest.

"Yes, I did."Grover lied.

Perci eneded up getting expelled even though she didn't do anything. Right now, she was on her own mind, sitting on a banch outside Yancy.

Mr. Brunner told her "None of this is easy. Not for you, not for any of us. I'm very concerned about you, Delia. I saw what happened at the museum."

"I didn't touch Nancy."Perci said.

Mr. Brunner asked Perci "I know you didn't, Perci. At least, I know you think you didn't. Do you want to tell me what you think did happen? You can tell me. I might just understand."

"You wanna bet?"Perci said.

Mr. Brunner chuckled "Perci...I've seen a lot of young people go through this sort of thing in my time, but of all of them, I suspect that... you might have the most difficult journey. I suspect you are special. So much more so than you know."

"Just... stop. Okay? I don't need any more stories  about how special I don't realize I am. They aren't helping. This is my ride. I'm going home."Perci scoffed and gets into the truck.

Later, Perci carried her luggage up to the apartment room, hearing the arguing that her step father, Gabe was having with the plummer, Eddie.

"Oh! Hello, Perci."He said when he turned around.

"Hey, Eddie, sorry about that."Perci apologized.

"I'm walking out, you're walking in. I should be apologizing to you."Eddie said softly before he walked away.

Perci sighed, she didn't wanna go in there because that meant dealing with Gabe. She remember when she was little she called him 'Smelly Gabe'. It was childish, yes but so very truthful.

Perci opened the door before walking in.

Gabe said sarcastically "W... Hell, hello. Welcome home, genius."

Perci asked "Is my mom home from work?"

Gabe scoffed "Oh, is that all you got to say to me? Huh? After failing out of school?"

"I didn't fail out of school."Perci said.

Gabe told her "Your principal called, and that's what he said. He said you got kicked out."

"They called Mom's cell. You answer Mom's cell?"Perci asked him.

Gabe replied, taking a sip of his beer "I answer whatever's ringing. So, what'd you get kicked out for, hmm?"

"He said I attacked a kid on a field trip."Perci admitted.

Gabe told her "Okay. All right, if... But still, if you're gonna live under my roof, you gotta live by my rules."

"Your roof? My mom is the only one employed here."Perci said, not caring about how her tone sounded.

Gabe demanded "Excuse me? I have a job. What does it look like I'm doing right now?"

"Losing at imaginary poker."Perci said.

"You would think that because you're a child, and you don't understand things like..."Gabe trailed.

Perci cut him off "Where's my mom?"

Gabe said "I don't know. I don't know where your mom is. I'm not Nostradamus. What are we doing, Perci? Every time!"

Perci decided to just walk away to find her mom. She founded her mom sitting outside on the balcony as it rained, listening to music. She did it every time it rained, Perci never knew why but she never wanted to ask either, afraid that it would make her feel bad.

"Mom...I'm really sorry. I tried this time. You know how hard I've been trying, but this time, it really wasn't my fault. It really wasn't my fault."Perci said as her mom walked inside, grabbing a towel. She then brought Delia into a hug, getting her wet.

"I'm all wet now."Perci whispered.

"I'm sorry. I'm just very glad to see you. I found Gabe on the phone with the headmaster, he told me what he thinks happened with Nancy Bobofit. I told him I believe my kid. It was a real short call. Hey, all that matters is that you're here, okay? And that I had enough time... to pick up your welcome home gift."Julie told her daughter.

Julie showed her a bag of blue gumballs and Perci smiled softly as she too it.

Julie asked softly "Mr. Brunner called me, too. He told me about Grover. Do you wanna talk about it? Is there something else you wanna talk about?"

Perci told her quietly "Something happened to me. Something has been happening to me. More than just my mind wandering and it got worse and... I'm scared."

"Perci!"Julie called out.

"Mom?"Perci frowned.

"I don't know how anyone expects me to get any work done..."Gabe started but Julie cut him "Perci and I are leaving for Montauk. I'll... I'll have the car back by Sunday morning."

Gabe asked her, leaning against the door frame to try and make him tough despite that it wasn't working "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when are you going to Montauk?"

Julie said "I called to reserve the place as soon as I got off the phone with Yancy."

"Who's Yancy?"Gabe asked.

"The school."Julie answered with a 'be sp for real' look.

Okay. And why exactly am I okay with this?"Gabe asked.

Julie said "Because on my way home on Sunday, I'm gonna stop at D'Angelo's and pick up sandwiches in time for tipoff, but if you make this miserable, I'm gonna go anyway and then I'm gonna eat my sandwich and yours while I listen to the game on the radio."

Gabe yelled "You know I hate watching the Knicks alone!"

"So do I!"Julie yelled back.

"Well, make sure they put the hot peppers on my sandwich, please?"Gabe said.

"Not if you're gonna ask like that."Julie told him.

"I said 'please'."Gabe said but Julie gave him a look, so he sighed and then says "Please, could you have them put the peppers on my sandwich?"

"You got it."Julie says, walking away.

Gabe turned to Perci and "Take your shoes off before you get in my car. You understand me?"

Gabe walked off while Julie walked back to the room and told her daughter "We have a lot to talk about, but uh, that storm out there, it's getting angrier, so let's get ahead of it. We'll talk at the beach, okay? Pack your bag. Let's go."

Then Perci went to pack her bag quiely but quickly for the weekend. She missed Montauk. She hadn't been there in a while, about two years since the last visit.

Once she was done, she got into the car with her mom and left for Montauk.

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