I Plunge to My Death Part One

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They left Medusa's house and now their plan was to get train tickets to Los Angeles and get to Hades to save Perci's mom and return the Master Bolt. They were about ten minutes away from the train station.

"What if we just like rent a mini van?"Perci asked.

"Too much money."Grover said.

"Okay steal whatever. It would be way better."Perci smirked.

"And who would drive?"Grover asked.

"Me. Who else? You do remember I have my driving license"Perci said and pulling out her driving license to show them.

"Are you really a good driver?"Luke asked.

"Yeah. I don't drive too fast I don't drive too slow. I follow the signs on road. I'm a great driver."Perci smiled.

"Then will you teach me? You know once we get out of camp and all that?"Luke asked excitingly.

"Sure."Perci said and then they followed after Grover. They finally came to the station. All they had to do now was get the tickets. They agreed that Perci should go buy the tickets. They didn't ask anything and sold Perci the tickets. Perci walked towards the wall where Luke and Grover were waiting for her.

"Got them. We have 25 minutes till the train leaves and it should be here now. Since it stops for 25 minutes on each station."Perci explained, handing the tickets to Luke who was going to be in charge of them.

"Should we go find our cabin?"Grover asked.

"Yeah, we should, it will help us avoid monsters."Luke agreed.

So they went to the train. They found their cabin. It was almost 10 pm when they entered and thankfully they were three bed, one for each of them. Grover on the upper bed and Perci and Luke on lower beds. It was around 11:30 when Perci says to Luke "Hey, you asleep?"

"Yes."Luke told her.

Perci asked "You and Thalia were really close, right?"

"Yeah."Luke answered.

"What was she like?"Perci asked.

"Why?"Luke questioned.

"She was the last forbidden kid before me, right? She must've dealt with the same kind of stuff."Perci explained.

"She was tough. I mean, she knew she was a forbidden kid, she just didn't care. When we found Alexander, I cared for him right away. But Thalia... she made him earn it."Luke said.

Perci sighed "I gotta say, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me."

"What doesn't make sense to you?"Luke asked.

Perci stated "The way you guys all talk. The way the gods want us to think. Gotta burn an offering to get a parent's attention. Gotta beat up on Clarisse just to get my father to admit he's my father. It isn't supposed to work that way. People who are close to you aren't supposed to treat you that way."

"You wanna know how I ended up alone in the road? My parents loved each other but it wasn't enough. You see my mom had visions and she thought she could be the new oracle of delphi. She tried to become the host for the spirit of the oracle but it didn't go well and my mom became insane. I couldn't deal with it with her madness anymore, so I left. For Alexander, he started out as a gift to her dad. That's how it works with Athena. Her children are born from a thought in her mind, and then given to a partner she feels connected to. He told me that for a while he was treated like a gift. That his dad cared for him. But then he met a woman. They had their own kids. And to her, Alexander wasn't a gift. So he left. It isn't the gods who think that way. It's everybody. But at least with the gods you know the rules. Show them respect and they'll be in your corner, no matter what."Luke vented.

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