The Two Teens

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I just imagined i picture but saddly i can't really draw so i hope my words, even if they are not a thousand, are enough to paint a picture in your head.

I see two people, no distinctive features, just painted to portrait two humans. Both have a  lable on their forhead. One reads, writen in a very crooked hand writing "never got fucked" and the other reads "Got only fucked".

They stare each other l without having eyes and jet their expressions is filled with frustration, disgust, anger and saddnes.

Both of them think the other had the life they wished for. They do not realising they both are the two sides of the same problematic coin. They only see the positive sides of the other and only the negative of their own side

The two should be together, but the only hurt each other. They already carry alot of wound with them. Some are old wounds of the past mistakes they did or the times the got betrayed. Some are fresh ones, they caused each other. The two want to work together cause their child and adult are in love. So the teen should also feel safe, happy and comfortable. But they don't. And the others are noticing it.

They talk alot try to explain their side and try to understand the other.
They show alot and try not to hide any wounds.
They try to see those shown wounds.
They try to heal those wounds.
They try to get along.
The process isn't easy not simple.
The process is harmfull but they got no other way.

This is the way they both have  to walk if they dont want to loose each other.

Ich und meine GedankenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt