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In the dawn of 1991, my Hogwarts education  beckoned. My father's nerves were palpable as I selected my attire. Yet, with a reassuring smile, I quelled his worries, for I knew him to be the epitome of parenthood perfection. "Who is he?" you inquire. None other than Severus Snape, the embodiment of the best parent one could ever dream of.

My father's silence speaks volumes about the mother I never barely had the chance to know. Though her absence hangs heavy, her presence is palpable in the way he gazes upon me, seeing her reflected in my eyes, in the curve of my smile. Despite the shadow of loss that looms over us, I cling to the fragments of her existence, craving the warmth of her love.And as I lay in bed each night, Begging for their story,

My father's eyes twinkled with fond remembrance. With a chuckle and a smile, he began the cherished story, of a chance encounter in a potions shop on a stormy night. There, brewing cauldrons and crackling lightning, he met Selina, a woman whose smile thawed his heart even as he gave her attitude. Yet, despite their rocky start, fate intervened, and months later, he returned, their connection undeniable as he nervously asked her out, setting the stage for a love story as enchanting as any potion's brew.

Obviously Severus kept the shortened version of the  story to his daughter knowing she was only 14


As I stood on the platform, the looming departure of the train cast a bittersweet shadow over the moment. My father, usually dark in the eyes of the world, revealed his tender side as he walked beside me. His embrace, though strong, carried a warmth that melted away any worries

Feeling his arms envelop me, I couldn't help but smile, the weight of the separation momentarily lifted. In that embrace, amidst the train station, I found peace. And as he lifted me off the ground, I pressed a gentle kiss to his head, silently conveying an unspoken  love.

As my father enveloped me in a hug yet again.., I found myself buried in the depths of his cloak, my voice muffled against the fabric. "Dad, it's just an hour," I protested, my words barely audible through the layers of cloak.

"An hour too long. I have to go back to those dunderheads. You'd understand if you had to deal with them every day," he grumbled, his voice a mix of resignation and exasperation, still clinging to our embrace like a stubborn koala.

He let go just as the train let out its last whistle, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

"I love you dad" she said kissing his cheek as he smiled

"Be safe darling remember what I taught incase o-"I interrupted him from that lecture and waved goodbye

He sighed and smiled as his little girl was about to attend hogwarts for the first time

As I stepped into the compartment of the train, a palpable sense of solitude enveloped me. The air hung heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the faint hum of the train's engines.

I made my way to a window seat, the cool glass pressing against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. My head leaned against the pane.

In the dim light of the compartment, I found myself lost in a number of thoughts.

As the door squeaked open, breaking the silence of the compartment, I was startled by the sound of hurried breaths. Blinking open my eyes, I was met with an unexpected sight - a chubby boy with endearingly crooked teeth stood before me, panting as if he'd just run a marathon.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness as he struggled to catch his breath.

"I–I- My- I've lost a– toad na-me-d Tr-ev-or, have you seen him?" he blurted out, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson that matched the upholstery of the train seats.

My own cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I shook my head. "No, sorry," I replied, the awkwardness of the situation hanging heavy in the air.

As the boy finally managed to steady his breathing, I offered hesitantly, "Do you need to sit down? Your face looks quite red."

And as he sank into the seat opposite mine, an awkward silence settled between us..

He gulped audibly, his nervousness noticeable as he hastily took a seat across from her. She couldn't help but notice the tremble in his movements, mirrored by the fidgeting of her own fingers with the locket around her neck. The silence stretched between them like an invisible barrier, filling the compartment with a tension that seemed to crackle in the air.

"I'm so-rry to bo-the-r you,Were you sleeping?" he blurted out suddenly, his words breaking the stillness.

She turned to face him, her gaze meeting his "No, just admiring the views," she replied softly, her eyes returning to the passing scenery outside the window.

"Are Yo-u a fi-r-st-year student?" he asked,his eyes fixed on some point in the distance.

A flicker of amusement danced in her eyes as she responded, "For someone who didn't mean to bother , you sure ask a lot of questions."

His cheeks flushed crimson once more, embarrassment washing over him like a wave. "I'm sorry, it's just... when I'm nervous, I ask questions," he admitted, his hand instinctively reaching to scratch the back of his neck.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she watched his instant discomfort, her head bowing slightly in amusement.

"Relax, I'm joking–,"she paused waiting for the name she had yet discovered

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"Relax, I'm joking–,"she paused waiting for the name she had yet discovered. 

"N-Neville... Lon-gbo-ttom," he stammered, offering his hand tentatively. She took it, feeling the warmth of his palm despite its clammy texture, and returned the smile.

"Well, Neville, to answer your question, I am a first year," she replied, giving his hand a gentle shake.

"Brilliant! So am I! Maybe we'll be sorted into the same house?" he suggested eagerly, his eyes alight with excitement.

She smiled warmly and nodded in agreement,

Just then, the door to the compartment slid open, revealing a girl with untamed curly hair. "Neville, we've found your toad!" she exclaimed, her eyes briefly scanning the compartment before landing on her.

"Ron has it in our compartment," she added, her gaze lingering on her for a moment before Neville sprang from his seat to follow her out.

"Nice meeting you—?" he paused, waiting for her name.

"Sophorina," she replied , watching as he nodded in acknowledgment.

"So-p-hori-na, I'll see you soon, I hope," he said with a friendly smile before disappearing from her compartment.

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