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Sophorina gasped in surprise as a pot toppled off a nearby table, the sound echoing through the tranquil atmosphere of the herbology greenhouse. Despite the sudden disturbance, their stolen moments together continued, enveloped in shared laughter and lingering kisses.

As Neville shared his passion for plants and their unique properties, he presented Sophorina with a delicate Paeonia, his favorite among the blooms. "This is just a Paeonia, my favorite," he explained, offering her the light yellow flower.

she inquired about its purpose. "It's simply an enchanting flower, one that stirs my deepest longings," he confessed, his gaze returning to her with undeniable affection. "Much like someone I know," he added, prompting a warm blush to rise to her cheeks.

"You're incredibly charming," she murmured, unable to resist leaning in to kiss him once more

Pomona's footsteps echoed softly as she entered the greenhouse, the scent of earth and plants enveloping her senses. Suddenly, her eyes widened in surprise as she stumbled upon an unexpected scene.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, her voice betraying her shock as she caught sight of the two figures locked in a passionate kissing. "Mr. Longbottom... Ms. Snape," she addressed them, her tone gentle yet firm as they hastily disentangled themselves.

"I suggest you find a more... discreet location for your activities," she continued, her words carrying a hint of admonishment "This greenhouse is currently occupied," she reminded them pointedly, her gaze lingering on their flushed faces as they nodded sheepishly in acknowledgment

Before making her exit, she earnestly implored to Pomona

keep her secret from her father, extracting a solemn promise to only reveal the truth if he somehow uncovered it on his own.

As she reflected on the situation, she couldn't help but acknowledge the weight of her silence. Was it wrong to keep her father in the dark about their relationship? Absolutely. The guilt gnawed at her conscience like a persistent niffler searching for treasure.


During her weekly lunchtime escapade to her father's office, a nagging issue weighed on her mind. Summoning her courage, she initiated the conversation as her father shifted his focus to her.

"I've been pondering something," she began tentatively, noticing his attentive demeanor.

Encouraged by his nod, she continued, "What do you say we extend an invitation to Neville for dinner tomorrow?" Her smile widened as her father arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by her suggestion. "There are a few matters we need to discuss," she added quickly, averting her gaze to evade his penetrating stare.

"I'd be positively ecstatic," her father replied, his tone laced with sarcasm, prompting Sophorina to stifle a chuckle.


The day dawned with anticipation as Sophorina and Neville, hand in hand, made their way down to the ominous dungeons.

"Ready for this?" Sophorina inquired, receiving a confident nod from Neville. "I have full faith in you," he affirmed, sealing the sentiment with a tender kiss on her cheek.

Their arrival at Snape's door was met with a repudiation and excitement. With a hesitant knock, the door swung open to reveal Sophorina's father, wearing a small smile. He cast a brief, assessing glance at Neville, acknowledging him with a nod before ushering them inside.

Seated side by side, their proximity spoke , silently affirming Severus' known suspicions. "Well, what's it you wanted to talk about?" he quipped, casually swirling his glass of whiskey.

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