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Potions class today was  enjoyable. There was something oddly endearing about watching my father revel in his role of "scolding kids." I couldn't help but grin throughout the whole lesson.

During Potions class, my attention drifted to Neville. I noticed some changes about him, like how his teeth seemed straighter now. Not that it mattered to me; I always thought they were perfect just the way they were, And were those new robes he had on? They looked good, and they smelled nice too. As he spoke, his voice sounded a bit deeper, catching my ear in a way it hadn't before. It was a small thing, but it made me see him in a new light.

My head snapped up as I heard my name being called. "Ms. Snape," my father's voice drew out for the second time.

"Yes?" I replied, shaking away my recent daydreams. "What potion would I get if I combined Ashwinder egg, Squill bulb, Murtlap tentacle, tincture of thyme, Occamy eggshell, and some powdered rue?" he asked, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

I couldn't help but grin at his attempt to stump me,I scoffed knowing the answer easily. I did get teachings from the best

"Felix Felicis Sir" I said as he nodded

"Correct 10 points to Ravenclaw" he said nonchalantly Severus turned to his board, letting out a sigh as he caught wind of his daughter's recent thoughts about that dunderhead of a boy.


Class ended swiftly as lunch started I settled into my seat, anticipation bubbling as Marie shot me a look that screamed, "I'm bursting to share gossip." "What is it ?" I asked eagerly, unable to contain my excitement as she giggled in response.

"Guess what?" Marie questioning . "There's a new word for a replacement professor for Lockhart!" "I heard he got knocked on his head and lost all memory," Sophorina said with a mischievous glint in her eye, glancing at the boy beside her eyeing marie

"Yeah, that's exactly what happened," the boy chimed in with a smirk. "And who might you be?" Marie asked, feigning confusion.

"Roy," he replied, pausing to wink at Marie. "And you are?" Marie rolled her eyes, catching onto the game. "I'm done with this conversation," she declared, grabbing Sophorina's arm as they sauntered off to their dorm, leaving Roy bewildered and the girls giggling.


Sophrorina's day came to its thrilling conclusion with Defense Against the Dark Arts, her last class. As she entered the room, she noticed every seat was already occupied. Despite her near tardiness

Taking a seat beside a familiar face, she smiled, recognizing the girl she had seen around before. But her attempt at settling in was interrupted when her bookbag betrayed her, spilling papers everywhere. As she scrambled to gather them, she glanced up to find herself under the watchful gaze of the same boy from lunch, his wand aimed at her scattered belongings.

His crew began laughing as the girl next to me spoke up "Hey! "Really? Pointing your wand at a few papers? How original," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Next time, try something a bit more imaginative. Like actually showing some competence."

She replied helping me pick up the papers "You didn't—" I began, but she interrupted me by handing over the scattered papers.

"Don't let those entitled wankers bother you," she said with a reassuring tone, her gaze locking onto mine. Then, as recognition dawned, she added, "Hey... I remember you from the train first year... Sophorina    , right?"

I nodded, pleasantly surprised by her recollection. "Yes..." "Hermione Granger," she introduced herself with a friendly grin, reaching out her hand for a shake.

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