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The second-year students at Hogwarts gathered eagerly in the Great Hall, buzzing with excitement for their first day back at the renowned school of witchcraft and wizardry. As I nestled into the table, feeling the cozy embrace of familiarity, the sorting hat ceremony erupted into its customary chaos, like a herd of Nifflers in a jewelry shop

Surprisingly, a new professor made their grand entrance, a face unfamiliar to me. I glanced over to see my father visibly exasperated, rubbing his temples as if trying to ward off a headache induced by the professor's mere presence.

"And now, stepping into the spotlight for Defense Against the Dark Arts, none other than Gilderoy Lockhart," proclaimed the headmaster, his announcement punctuated by Lockhart's charismatic rise from his seat, his grin practically sparkling with charm.

As Marie and I exchanged baffled glances, the sound of swooning girls echoed through the halls, almost like a chorus of confused songbirds. Then, a fellow Ravenclaw girl, a fifth-year, enlightened us about the object of their affection. "He's a brilliant, dashing wizard who's penned some truly amazing books! Haven't you seen the headlines?" she exclaimed, rummaging through her school bag to produce a newspaper.

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as I scanned the article, my face contorting into a bewildered expression. "Seriously?" I exclaimed incredulously, passing the paper to Marie, who mirrored my disbelief perfectly. "This is who you're swooning over?" I questioned, unable to fathom the allure of this so-called wizard.

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After enduring countless classes throughout the day, I trudged my way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. During lunch, I had an interesting chat with my father, which essentially turned into a one-man show of complaints about why Gilderoy Lockhart had no brains to teach a single class

*ೃ༄ ♥̩ꕥ̥♥̩̩◞♡ ⃗

My eyes shifted to the familiar figure of Neville Longbottom, a  smile creeping onto my lips as I settled into the seat beside him. "Hey, Neville," I greeted him softly as he welcomed me with open arms.

As Neville mentioned the new teacher, his hopeful tone filled the space between us. I couldn't help but chuckle, my eyes rolling in a playful gesture at his optimism. the man at the front of the class launched into yet another tale of his travels and literary exploits, I found myself growing increasingly uninterested.

With an audible sigh, I reluctantly raised my hand, hoping  to redirect the conversation. "Excuse me, but aren't we here to learn about Cornish Pixies, not your autobiography?" I interjected, my patience wearing thin as I propped my hand against my head. The man's smile faltered momentarily as he turned his attention towards me. "And you are?" he inquired, taking slow steps towards my desk, a curious gleam in his eyes.

"Sophorina    ," I replied coolly, meeting his gaze as he loomed uncomfortably close. Neville glanced between us, uncertain whether to intervene or simply observe the impending standoff.

"Sophorina    ?" the man echoed, waiting expectantly for me to offer my full name. "Sophorina     Snape," I declared, arching an eyebrow as he instinctively backed away.

His expression shifted, as if he were attempting to solve a particularly perplexing riddle. "I didn't realize Severus had a child..." he murmured to himself, his voice trailing off into a contemplative musing.

"Well, congratulations on solving the case of the missing offspring," I retorted with a smirk, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "Next time, try not to strain your brain cells too much." Neville's hand instinctively flew to his mouth, attempting to stifle a laugh, joining the amusement rippling through the classroom.

Lockhart's gasp of surprise was quickly replaced by a radiant smile. "Ah, splendid! Now, let's dive into today's lesson. Perhaps our esteemed student, Sophorina    , would be so kind as to grace us with the first demonstration," he suggested, motioning towards the covered cage in the corner of the room.

With a confident stride, I made my way over to the cage, giving my cloak a casual dusting as I approached. Lockhart nodded approvingly, indicating for me to unveil the cage. As I lifted the cover, a flurry of furious Cornish Pixies greeted us,

"Sir, I'm not entirely sure it's wise to release them," I cautioned, noticing the cage beginning to rattle with their agitation. "Oh, fret not, my dear! I am a trained professional," Lockhart assured me with a toothy grin, his words punctuated by the swoons of enamored classmates.

I let out a startled gasp as chaos erupted from the cage, courtesy of the mischievous Cornish Pixies, turning our classroom into a whirlwind of flying books and overturned desks. With a speed that surprised even me, my legs propelled me under my desk, pulling Neville along for the ride. He landed on top of me with a comical "Ow!" before quickly scrambling off, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"We need to stay put," I insisted, glancing around as the pixies continued their rampage, causing havoc wherever they went. "Blimey!" Neville exclaimed, wide-eyed as he observed the chaos unfolding before us.

In the distance, I caught sight of Lockhart making a hasty retreat to his quarters, prompting an exasperated sigh from me as I tied my long black hair into a ponytail.

"W-hat... wh-at ar-e you pl-ann-ing to d-o?" Neville stuttered, his words stumbling over each other with increasing nervousness. "I plan to undo the mess this bumbling fool started," I declared, slowly emerging from under the desk with determination in every step.

Sophorina     swiftly turned her attention to the chaotic corner of the classroom and expertly cast a freezing charm, causing the mischievous pixies to halt in mid-air . a small chuckle escaped her lips at the sight of Neville being unceremoniously dragged by his robes towards a chandelier dangling from the ceiling.

Sophorina     cast another freezing charm, the classroom returning to its serene and orderly state once more. She looked up to see Neville hanging by his robes

"Why is it always me ?" he said sighed as soph let him down

*ೃ༄ ♥̩ꕥ̥♥̩̩◞♡ ⃗

Lockhart emerged from his quarters, his usual ego evident as he surveyed the aftermath of the chaos, students scrambling "Well, it seems my judgment has once again saved the day," he declared, flicking his hair dramatically.

McGonagall, her patience clearly wearing thin, fixed him with a steely gaze. "I believe it's time for a little chat, Gilderoy," she said with a tone that brooked no argument. Soph couldn't help but shoot him a pointed stare, her smirk causing his confident smile to falter in a  display of uncertainty.

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