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My sleep became restless as I tossed and turned in bed for hours, feeling the anticipation gnawing at me.

As the room floor creaked meekly, a chill ran down my spine. "Marie?" I questioned, barely awake, my voice trembling. Slowly, I rose from my bed, only to find hers empty, sending goosebumps of fear through me.

"Marie!" I exclaimed louder, panic rising in my chest. Just as I turned, a hand clamped down on my arms, restraining me, and a hood descended over my head.

I let out a loud yelp as I tried to kick back, my limbs flailing in every direction. After a good four minutes of wrestling with my captors, I finally heard voices.

"Does she ever stop kicking? My shins are bruised!" a girl's voice exclaimed harshly as I plopped ungracefully onto the floor.

After what felt like an eternity of eerie silence, a voice pierced the stillness.

"Sophorina Snape, do you swear the secrecy of the Ravenclaw house?" the voice echoed ominously through the room.

I hesitated, still trying to shake off the confusion that enveloped me like a cloak of uncertainty. "Y-e-yes?" I stammered out hesitantly, my voice wavering with a mixture of fear and bewilderment.

"And do you swear to be loyal to your housemates?" the voice inquired once more,

"Yes," I replied again, my response sounding more like a plea for mercy than a confident affirmation.

The cold air brushed against my face as the hood was lifted, revealing the somewhat familiar faces of the Quidditch team. Quietly, they presented me with blue cloaks, leaving me utterly bewildered as I accepted them with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Then, as if orchestrated by some mischievous wizard, a voice boomed out, "Everyone, welcome... Sophorina Snape, our new Ravenclaw seeker!" The room erupted into cheers and applause, and I couldn't contain my disbelief. Me, a seeker?

A smile spread across my face, happiness bubbling up within me.

But amidst the excitement, Marie appeared from around the corner, laughter dancing in her eyes as she enveloped me in a hug. "You were totally scared!" she teased, her laughter infectious.

"I was not!" I protested, though my feeble denial was met with Marie's playful scoff.

"I was not!" I protested, though my feeble denial was met with Marie's playful scoff

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"It's fine if you were," she reassured me, "it's just basic initiation." And in that moment, surrounded by laughter and acceptance, I realized that maybe being scared wasn't such a bad thing



This chapter was just to give you guys idea of how sophs tryout would playout

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