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Under the warm embrace of the summer sun in 1997, at the age of 19, I found myself immersed in my mother's journal. Each page revealed fragments of her life, a narrative I had begun to unravel during school breaks. Now, as I neared the final chapters, my fingertips grazed the worn and weathered cover, igniting a curiosity for the secrets concealed within the last pages.


March 12  1980

With a sudden jolt, a wave of nausea washed over me, sending me running to the bathroom as my body expelled its contents. As I sighed in defeat, feeling betrayed by my own body, I knew Severus was already downstairs, taking on the morning shift at the potions shop.

But then, a smile graced my lips as I saw Sophorina enter the room, her face filled with concern. "Mommy?" "Whawts wrong.?."she asked with her two adorable teeth barely visible.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her innocence. "Nothing, Sophorina dear. Mommy was just brushing her teeth."

Sophorina giggled, her tiny hand reaching out for her mother's embrace. Selina couldn't help but smile, noticing how her daughter was beginning to resemble Severus more and more each day.

"Oh, your hair is a bit messy today, isn't it?" Selina remarked, prompting Sophorina to burst into a fit of laughter.

As I descended the stairs with Sophorina in my arms, her eyes sparkled with excitement. "Papa!" she exclaimed, darting towards him for a warm hug.

"Hello, my little bird," he greeted her, planting a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Then, turning to me, he smiled happily . "Hello, darling," he whispered before pressing his lips softly against mine.

"My two beautiful girls," he declared affectionately, as we both beamed back at him


Today, as I reached the four-week mark of my pregnancy, a heavy weight settled in my chest. I couldn't find the courage to broach the subject with Severus. Despite my mind wandering to potential names and daydreaming about our future family, the timing never seemed right. With the chaos of the shop's busiest season swirling around us, I couldn't bear to burden him with more news, not when he was already juggling so much.


As the days slipped by, I found myself fixated on the legacy of my late father's work. Before his recent passing, he had poured his heart and soul into developing a groundbreaking potion one with the potential to save countless innocent lives.

Each sigh echoed with memories of his dedication. Despite the risks and the unexpected pregnancy that  weighed heavily on my mind, I couldn't bring myself to abandon his unfinished work.

The  embrace of my apron cocooned me as I meticulously poured the ingredients, each one a testament to his intricate recipe. Each component seemed disparate and irrational, yet I placed my trust in him without question.

Hours drifted by like leaves in the wind as Severus, encircled me with his arms.

"Darling, it's been hours. Come, rest," he murmured, a  smile gracing his lips. "You've toiled enough," he added, planting a gentle kiss upon my cheek.

"But I'm so close, I can almost feel it," Selina protested, her gaze lingering on the array of ingredients before her. "Tomorrow, my love, and I'll lend my hands to help," he promised, guiding her towards the sanctuary of their bed

The morning light filtered softly through the windows as I began on what had become a familiar routine. Severus stood steadfast beside me, his presence a silent reassurance in the face of the task ahead.

With a heavy heart, I resumed the thorough process, each ingredient poured with painstaking precision. Severus mirrored my movements, his hands deftly maneuvering through the array of vials and jars.

But then, a bolt of sharp cramp tore through my abdomen, my fingers instinctively curling around the pain. In that moment of agony, the delicate balance shattered, a vial of potion crashing to the table, its contents spilling and mixing in a chaotic swirl.

Severus' gasp echoed in the air as he rushed to my side, his expression  of concern and panic. And then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed.


Sophorina sighed heavily, her gaze fixated on the blank pages of the journal spread before her. The night had crept in unnoticed as she immersed herself in its contents, her stomach gnawing with hunger neglected in her pursuit of answers.

A sharp gasp escaped her lips as memories flooded her mind, the day of her mother's passing vivid and raw. With trembling hands, she flipped through the pages, each turn accompanied by a silent plea for solace. But despair seized her heart as reality slammed shut like the book in her grasp.

"No...No! NO!" Her voice echoed in the empty field as she sprang to her feet, tears tracing down her cheeks. Racing across the field, her legs carried her away from the haunting revelations.

As she reached her father's office, her pulse quickened, anticipation mingling with dread. But the door swung open  swiftly, leaving her chest heaving as she searched the room, longing for his comforting presence.

Yet, amidst the stillness, there was only absence. With hesitant steps, she approached a forgotten parcel, its presence beckoning her with cryptic allure.

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