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August 19 1992

I woke up with a sudden jolt, feeling a playful shove, and couldn't help but chuckle as I remembered it was my fifteenth birthday - what my father called "the big 15."

He came to my bed with breakfast he cooked by hand "Oh, Dad... you didn't have to!" I said, hugging him and planting a kiss on his cheek. "It's not every day you turn 15."

"You were 15 once too, Father," I said, rolling my eyes at him with a laugh. His expression shifted, his face briefly clouding with a mix of emotions before he rose and quietly left me to the solitude of the morning.

Today promised to be extraordinary. After weeks of persuading my father, he finally relented, allowing Neville and Marie to spend the day with me. With excitement bubbling within me, I shuffled out of my room, only to find my father engrossed in the latest edition of Wizarding Weeklies. Despite his usual dismissal of such publications, his willingness to indulge in them never failed to amuse me, eliciting a chuckle as I approached.

 Despite his usual dismissal of such publications, his willingness to indulge in them never failed to amuse me, eliciting a chuckle as I approached

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"I thought you found those readings nonsense?" she said, a spirited smile dancing on her lips as she glanced at him. "It passes the time, even if it is bogus," he replied, closing the magazine with a dismissive flick of his wrist.

"Are you excited to see my friends?" she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, so very excited, in fact, that I've cleared my schedule to leave the house right when they arrive," he said with a low chuckle.

"Dad, why don't you like them?" she asked, joining in his laughter. "I only require seeing them during school hours and..." he paused, pretending to check his wrist, "looks like it's a month before term starts, so... I best get going," he shrugged nonchalantly,

I rolled my eyes and left to get changed


My closet was about as colorful as a grayscale photograph. It was basically a shrine to my favorite shade—I had a committed relationship with it.

About an hour later, a familiar sound outside drew my attention, and a knowing smile spread across my face. I recognized it instantly;, I sensed my father's exasperation lingering in the air, evident in his audible sigh.

Moments later, Marie burst through the door, and I welcomed her with open arms, our embrace spinning us in joyous circles. "I've missed you terribly," I whispered into her shoulder. "Gods, I thought I was going to die of boredom!" Marie exclaimed dramatically, her words echoing with relief and enthusiasm.

As our hug lingered, I noticed Neville's hesitant demeanor, his eyes darting nervously around the room. "Neville!" I called out, pulling him into a tight hug. His cheeks flushed crimson as he returned the hug, his shy nature evident in his awkward response

"So-So-ph, it's nice to see you!" Neville stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to express his emotions. Despite the passage of time, Neville hadn't changed much over the summer, his familiar presence bringing a sense of comfort to Sophorina    's heart.

Turning towards the living room, The pair spotted Professor Snape seated in his usual spot, his stern gaze fixed upon them.. "Good morning, Professor," Marie greeted cheerfully, waving in his direction. He acknowledged her with a nod of his head.

"Go-o-d M-o-r-n-i-n-g, P-ro-fess-er," Neville stuttered out, his words punctuated by nervous pauses. "Goodbye." he said apparating away

Sophorina     rolled her eyes "Don't mind him neville he's just cranky" she said patting him on the shoulder, He nodded gulping


The day was one Sophorina     would always cherish. She and her friends wandered through the flower fields outside her house, reveling in the beauty of nature as they shared stories and laughter. Marie, ever the gossip queen, entertained them with the latest news, while Neville couldn't resist joining in the conversation.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, Marie surprised Sophorina     with a gift. "Here," Marie said, handing Sophorina     the present. "You didn't have to... But thank you," Sophorina     replied gratefully, pulling her friend into a warm hug.

As Sophorina     eagerly unwrapped her gift, she discovered a new maroon beret nestled inside. Her reaction was immediate , as she gasped in delight and pulled Marie into another tight hug.

"I love it!" she exclaimed, pausing to admire the beret. "Thank you!" Marie smiled in response, pleased by Sophorina    's  appreciation.

Observing Neville's hesitation with his own gift, Marie decided to give them some space. "I must use the restroom, I'll be back in a jiffy!" she announced before darting off to the house. Sophorina     nodded absently, her attention momentarily captured by the colorful array of flowers beneath her feet. The silence that followed was punctuated only by the gentle rustle of the wind through the fields.

"So-ph-orin-a," Neville's voice broke the stillness, his tone soft and hopeful. She smiled and turned towards him, inviting him to continue. "Yes, Neville?" she prompted gently.

With trembling hands, Neville presented her with a small black box. "Is this for me?" Sophorina     asked, her fingers delicately taking hold of the box. "Y–e-s," Neville replied quickly, his nervousness evident.

"Thank you," Sophorina     whispered, pulling him into a embrace. As Neville wrapped his hand around her, he released a long-held breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.......

As Sophorina     delicately unveiled the contents of the box, her eyes widened in astonishment. Inside lay a beautiful bracelet adorned with handmade charms, each one crafted with care and attention to detail. "Did you make these?" she asked, her gaze lingering on each charm with fascination.

"Y-e-s," Neville replied softly, his voice barely above a whisper. A brief silence fell between them, broken only by the distant chirping of birds. Neville's heart raced with fear, fearing Sophorina    's rejection of his heartfelt gift.

"I-ts -ok -I-f You -do-nt L-i-ke it..." he stammered nervously, his hand instinctively moving to scratch his neck. "Are you kidding? This is amazing! I love it, Neville," Sophorina     exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with genuine appreciation. She enveloped him in another warm hug, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. A blush spread across her cheeks, mirrored by Neville's own flushed face.

"C'mon, let's go!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pulling him along as they dashed through the flowers back to her house.


Marie couldn't help but chuckle as the polaroid picture began to print, capturing a moment of joy between her friends. catching Sophorina     planting a kiss on Neville's cheek. With a warm smile, Marie carefully tucked the photo into her bag, a silent gesture of support for the budding connection between Sophorina     and Neville......Marie affirmed her role as a loyal and supportive best friend.


After my friends left, Dad appeared with a large wrapped gift. "Dad..." I raised an eyebrow, wondering what surprise he had in store for me. "Happy birthday, sweetie," he said, planting a kiss on my head as he handed me the gift with a smile.

I eagerly tore into it, revealing a shiny new Nimbus 2000 inside. I gasped, my eyes widening in amazement. "Really?" I exclaimed, beaming at Dad, overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.

"I thought it would be perfect for Quidditch," he explained, his eyes twinkling with pride as I threw my arms around him in a tight hug. "Thanks, Dad. Thanks a million!" I said, feeling the warmth of our bond.

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