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As Halloween morning unfurled its eerie charm throughout the corridors, Sophorina found herself admiring the intricate decorations, while Marie found endless entertainment in watching a ghost prank a startled first-year.

Meanwhile, Neville, Ginny, and Luna strolled over to their table, their presence adding a touch of enchantment to the scene. Sophorina greeted them with a radiant smile, mirrored by their warm expressions. Marie playfully waved at Ginny, her wink carrying a hint of mischief that made Ginny's cheeks flush with a delightful rosy hue.

"Hey, there's this  Gryffindor Halloween bash happening tonight," he announced with a grin. "And we were hoping you guys could come?" Marie's eyes lit up with excitement as she exclaimed, "yes we'll be delighted!"

Ginny's cheeks turned a pleasing shade of pink as she eagerly agreed, "great i'll see you there'

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──

In the dorms, Sophorina and Marie were knee-deep in outfit deliberations for the upcoming party. Sophorina had her costume all planned out - she and Neville were matched with the pirate look.

"Okay, hear me out," Sophorina proposed, holding up a sleek suit. "How about you go as a sexy mafia boss?" Marie eyed the suit in the mirror, considering the suggestion.

 "How about you go as a sexy mafia boss?" Marie eyed the suit in the mirror, considering the suggestion

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"Hmm, not a bad idea.. I could definitely pull off the boss vibes," she replied with a confident grin.

"Yeah, maybe Ginny's into it too," Sophorina mused, earning a knowing glance from Marie. "I don't know what you're talking about," Marie retorted, though there was a hint of Skulduggery in her voice  that made Sophorina suppress a chuckle.

"You were flirting with her like she was eye candy," Sophorina teased, unable to resist poking fun at her friend's antics. "I was just giving her a tease, that's all," Marie countered casually

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ──

As the party drew near, the duo put the finishing touches on their hair and makeup effortlessly. With a satisfied grin, Sophorina slipped into her costume

 With a satisfied grin, Sophorina slipped into her costume

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