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As the first years flooded into the hall, I lingered behind, captivated by the intricate decorations on the walls. In the bustling crowd, I caught sight of my father, exchanging a warm smile and wave with him. However, his expression shifted as his gaze settled on a boy approaching me,

I turned and smiled to see it was Neville

"So-pho-rina! I told you we would see each other again!" Neville exclaimed with a grin.

"You can call me Soph, Neville," she replied, chuckling lightly.

A croak interrupted their banter, and Soph's eyebrow quirked up in curiosity. "What was that?"

"Oh, that was Trevor. He's quite shy," Neville explained, revealing the toad from behind his back as it croaked again.

"It seems he likes you," Neville remarked with a smile. "Can I pet him?" Soph asked, intrigued by the toad's antics. Neville nodded, and Soph ran her finger under Trevor's chin, eliciting more croaks from the animal

"So, what house do you think you'll get sorted into?" Neville inquired curiously. "My father was a Slytherin," she replied, glancing over at her father. "What about your mother?" Neville asked innocently, unaware of the sadness lurking behind the question.

Sophorina froze at the mention of her mother, her heart sinking. "I'm sorry—" Neville began, but she interrupted gently, "No, it's okay. She died when I was young, but she was a Ravenclaw..."

As the sorting ceremony commenced, we all sat along the tables, eagerly awaiting our fate. During the anticipation, I heard a familiar name ring out "Neville Longbottom." I watched as he approached the platform with a timid demeanor, his nerves scared

The Sorting Hat was placed upon his head, and I couldn't help but chuckle as I saw him muttering anxiously, his eyes darting up at the hat as if it held the secrets of the universe.

Suddenly, the hat bellowed, "Gryffindor!" and the table erupted into cheers. I beamed at Neville, waving enthusiastically as he made his way to his newfound house.

As my name echoed through the hall, a hush fell over the crowd, whispers swirling. With a mixture of anticipation and nerves, I made my way towards Professor McGonagall, my father's wink reassuring me along the way.

As I stood before her, my gaze shifted to the Sorting Hat, its weathered brim seeming to hold centuries of secrets. My curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but wonder what it would reveal about me.

Nervous butterflies fluttered in my stomach as the hat descended upon my head, I felt a surge of confidence wash over me, bolstered by the memory of my favorite outfit - a maroon top paired with a matching skirt and a flowing black cloak. It was a look that always made my green eyes sparkle and my black hair gleam with an intensity that seemed to grow with each passing day.

The hat spoke, its voice echoing in my mind with a clarity that sent shivers down my body. "AH! Mmmm YES! A Snape, I see. Remember your mother and father.. Yes, brilliant they were amazing together ..."

"Mmm yes but NO!" It stumbled over and over mumbling random things. You looked at your father nervously and he gave you a reassuring smile and you felt a tiny bit better. "Ambitious like your father and Talented at a young age Ahh Mm But logical like your mother and quite confident, Slytherin calls but then... You can't Deny ...It calls The Mothers house Ravenclaw, speaks louder it's decided .... The hat Paused.

"RAVENCLAW!" The hat yells and she smiles at her father knowing her mother would be bragging his ears off.

The table claps as she makes her ways towards it,

She Took a seat at the table with a smile spread across her face while her new housemates introduced themselves to her

Severus had a slight smile plastered on his "dull face" a thought in the back of his head reoccurred...


On the night they first met, Soph found herself sharing a dorm room with Amerie, a girl who exuded warmth and kindness from the moment they crossed paths.

"Your father is a professor here, right?" Amerie asked casually as she brushed out her hair.

Soph beamed with pride. "Yes, he's the Potions Master," she replied, her admiration for her father evident in her tone. Amerie couldn't help but smile at the genuine affection in Soph's words; she, too, cherished her own father dearly.

"What about you? What's your father like?" Soph inquired, genuinely curious

Amerie's eyes lit up as she thought of her father, a man with a passion for caring for muggle creatures. "He's quite the character, really. He cares for muggle creatures " she explained with a laugh.

"That's cool! Maybe I can meet one of his patients one day?" Soph suggested with enthusiasm.

Amerie's smile widened at the idea. "Yes, quite! I'll ask him," she promised.

As they bid each other goodnight, a sense of warmth and camaraderie filled the room. With the lights dimmed and the night settling in, Soph and Amerie drifted off to sleep.

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