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As my tears cascaded onto the parcel, they danced upon its surface, forming intricate shapes in the water.. A chill crept down my spine as I felt the cool touch of the water on my face, a sensation that seemed to awaken something primal within me.

In an instant, the air crackled with an eerie energy, and before me, vivid flashes of my mother's life unfolded like spectral apparitions. It was as if she was reaching out to me from beyond the veil, her presence hauntingly tangible.

Then, amidst the Celestial display, a familiar memory emerged, one I had read in the journal. But now, with newfound clarity, the truth revealed itself to me


Severus's heart shattered as he clung to his wife's pulseless form, his anguished sobs echoing through the room now cloaked in smoke and despair.

"Darling, please, wake up," he pleaded, his voice trembling as he cradled her face against his chest, desperate for any sign of life.

With trembling hands, he gathered her limp body, his own agony piercing him with every step as he fled the suffocating haze.

But his anguish deepened as he beheld their daughter, Sophorina, standing there, her innocence juxtaposed against the grim reality before her. Her small frame seemed frozen, her eyes wide with confusion as she witnessed her mother unconscious in her father's arms.

"Papa... What's wrong with mommy?" Her voice, fragile, pierced through the heaviness of the moment.

Severus could only shake his head, his voice choked with sorrow as he struggled to find the right words to shield her heart from the harsh truth.

"Sweetie... We... we have to go visit a friend," he managed to utter, his own grief threatening to consume him


Their footsteps echoed in the dimly lit room, the familiar sight of the well-used fireplace bringing a pang of recognition to Sophorina's heart.

"The Weasleys." she whispered under her breath, her voice heavy with memories both joyful and painful.

Molly Weasley's gasp broke the silence, her eyes widening at the sudden appearance of Severus and Selina. With maternal instinct, she hurried to their side, guiding Severus to gently lay Selina along the table.

"My goodness, what's happened?" Molly's concern was noticeable, etched into every line of her face, but Severus remained silent, his body betraying the weight of his grief.

"We... she... I... Um, well..." His words faltered, lost in the turmoil of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. With a heavy sigh, he clasped Selina's hand tightly

Molly's attempts to console him faltered as she glanced at the small child by his side, her heart clenching at the sight of the unmistakable resemblance between Sophorina and Severus.

"Who's... this?" Molly's voice trailed off, her gaze shifting between father and daughter

Sophorina's tears flowed freely as she sought refuge in her father's embrace, her small hand reaching out to grasp her mother's limp hand.

Molly's sigh carried the weight of understanding as she connected the dots

Molly's steps echoed with a weighty cadence as she approached Severus, her heart heavy with the burden of the news she bore. Sophorina lay nestled against his shoulder, wrapped in the innocence of sleep.

With a hesitant breath, Molly spoke, her voice a fragile thread in the silence of the room. "Severus," she murmured, the syllables carrying the weight of the world. "I'm afraid... She's gone."


Sophorina's sobs tore through the silence, her heartache besetting her as her father entered the room, confusion etched upon his face like cracks in porcelain.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" he murmured, reaching out to comfort her in a hold. But she pushed him away, tears streaking angrily down her cheeks.

"Did.you.know." she demanded, her voice raw with emotion, her gaze fixated on the parcel in the distance.

Her father's expression shifted, a mixture of guilt and sorrow clouding his features. "Know what?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"You never once read her journal entries?" Sophorina's voice trembled with anger and hurt, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.

He shook his head, memories flooding back to him, memories too painful to confront. "No... I couldn't... the memories," he confessed, his hand trembling as it reached for his temples.

Sophorina's grip on his hands tightened, her touch a lifeline in the storm of emotions. "In the last pages of the journal," she began, a tear tracing a path down her cheek.

"Father... she mentioned she was..." Sophorina faltered, her voice breaking as she met his gaze, a silent plea for understanding.

"She what..." His voice trailed off, disbelief and anguish warring within him. "Pregnant... she was with a child, four weeks," Sophorina whispered, the words heavy with sorrow.

He staggered back, his world crumbling around him, as he stumbled out into the pouring rain, the weight of guilt bearing down upon him like a leaden shroud.

"Please, she was meant to tell you, it's not your fault!" Sophorina's voice echoed in the downpour, her words a desperate plea against the raging storm.

She ran to him, her arms outstretched, enveloping him in a fragile embrace. "Father, please listen... it's not your fault," she whispered, her tears mingling with the rain as they clung to each other


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