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The morning sun peeked through the blue curtains, casting a bright glow into the room as Soph stirred from her slumber. But before she could fully awaken, she felt a series of pokes to her shoulders.

"Wake up, Soph! We might miss breakfast!" Amerie exclaimed, already bustling about and donning her new robes.

With a groan, Soph rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms, feeling every bit as disheveled as her bed hair suggested. As she ran her fingers through the tangled mess atop her head, Amerie couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

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"What?" Soph exclaimed, utterly confused by Amerie's sudden burst of laughter.

"Nothing, just your hair," Amerie replied, tossing her a brush with a mischievous grin. Soph sighed, already knowing where this was headed, and rolled her eyes

As Soph began to brush her hair, she caught a flash from the corner of her eye. Turning to issue, she saw Amerie shaking with laughter, holding up a freshly printed photo.

"What? First day of school photos!" Amerie managed to say between fits of giggles, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Seriously! You could have taken that when I looked decent enough!" Soph retorted, joining in the laughter as she snatched the photo from Amerie's grasp.

"That is nasty!" she exclaimed, holding the embarrassing photo up to her friend's face.

Rolling her eyes, Soph couldn't help but laugh as she began to get ready for the day ahead. But then, an idea struck her. Spotting Amerie plucking her eyebrows, Soph saw the perfect opportunity for revenge.

She Snatched the camera and snapped the photo quickly

Amerie stopped moving while looking at Sophorina up and down her a death stare

"What? First day photo!" Soph said, mimicking her laughing "Not funny!" Amerie said snatching The photo from her

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"What? First day photo!" Soph said, mimicking her laughing "Not funny!" Amerie said snatching The photo from her

Soph put on her house robes While putting her black Hair into a Ponytail

The Two Walked to breakfast with their housemates. While Walking and talking with Amerie she saw her father in the classroom She assumed Preparing Himself for the First Years She told Amerie that she meet her at the table .

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Severus Snape meticulously arranged everything in his office, ensuring that everything was in order for the arrival of the first years. He let out a weary sigh, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders.

Raising his eyes from his desk, he was greeted by the sight of his little girl clad in blue Ravenclaw robes. A soft smile tugged at his lips as he gazed upon her. "My little girl," he said softly, his voice laced with both pride and a hint of sadness. "All grown up."

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