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Marie and Sophronia strolled through the castle, trying to keep a straight face as they headed to the Dules table. Dumbledore's suggestion to learn to "defend" ourselves against enemies had them both exchanging skeptical glances. The real issues was Lockhart was supposed to teach it. The thought alone was enough to make them share a worried chuckle.

We sauntered along the end of the long table, watching more students gather in, wondering if anyone else was as dubious about Lockhart's teaching skills as we were.

Lockhart puttered into the room, the air practically sizzling with anticipation as the girls around him froze in place, utterly captivated by his presence. With an effortless charm, he strode right up to the table, his every movement haughty with a huge ego.

As he planted his feet on the table's surface, he struck a pose that screamed, "Look at me!!" His hands found their way to his hips, perfectly positioned as if he were a model waiting for a camera flash to capture his impeccable charm and undeniable allure.

"Ah, my esteemed companions," Lockhart's voice rang out with an air of self-importance, drawing the attention of all present. "As you are undoubtedly aware, I have been bestowed with the honor of instructing today's dueling lesson. Naturally, this decision was made because, well, who else but I am most qualified for the task?"

"I hope he trips over his own ego and lands flat on his arrogant arse," Marie quipped, her lips curling into a mischievous smirk as Soph stifled a chuckle."Ah, wouldn't that be a sight to behold," Soph replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement

Lockhart continued with his boring speech until a name struck my attention "Along with assisting me in this duel Professor Snape!" he said with a hint of sarcasm  My father walked on stage with looking at me with a smirk

I grinned like a Cheshire cat, fully aware that Lockhart was about to receive a crash course in magical humility. "He has happily agreed to help," Snape's smile wilted like a deflated balloon, clearly remembering  he was forced into this. The two men exchanged formal bows and shuffled back to their respective positions, though Lockhart's grin looked more like a grimace now.

Before Lockhart could even conjure up a memory charm, my father boomed, "Expelliarmus!"

Lockhart's grand journey across the table on his bottom  had Marie and me clutching our chests in laughter echoing through the room. Amidst the mirth, I couldn't help but proudly cheer for my father, who, with a smirk, graciously acknowledged the applause with another bow.

Meanwhile, Lockhart rose to his feet with a shake of his head, his smile radiating charm and enthusiasm. "Absolutely brilliant, Severus!" he exclaimed, his voice carrying an air of excitement and anticipation. "But why stop? How about we add a little intrigue to our demonstration? Perhaps a volunteer from our own house?" His suggestion hung in the air

Severus whipped around; his finger aimed like an accusing wand at a blonde boy across the room. Marie filled me in later; the boy's name was Draco Malfoy, apparently quite the character........Engrossed in a conversation with a fourth-year beside me, I barely noticed the distant call of my name. "Sophorina!" Lockhart's voice pierced through the chatter, summoning me . My heart skipped a beat as I heard him continue, "Sophorina     Snape, would you kindly step up here?" I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of my father's expression shifting from amusement to concern.

Lockhart extended his hand toward me, expecting a gracious acceptance. With a assertive  stride, I brushed past his gesture.

"Right you know the rules defense only walk up to your opponent and bow" Lockhart said stepping out the platform

I strode assuredly to the center of the platform, meeting the smug gaze of Malfoy with a smirk of my own before giving a mocking bow. As his wand arm twitched, ready to strike, my legs tensed, anticipating his move .                                                                                 I deflected his first spell with practiced ease, a skill learned from the finest teachings, if I do say so myself.

With a steady breath, I countered with a forceful "Aguamenti!" sending a powerful jet of water hurtling towards Malfoy, who stumbled backward in surprise.

With a flick of my hair and a satisfied grin, I gracefully stepped off the platform, basking in the cheers from Marie and Neville. Applause filled the room, but it was my father's wink that truly warmed my heart as he turned his attention back to scolding Malfoy.                     

At the end of my day the most anticipated part awaited me                                                                       quidditch try outs. Throughout the day, my mind was a whirlwind of worries, especially as tryouts loomed ahead. Even during lunch, when Neville tried to strike up a conversation, I couldn't shake the nerves.

As I trudged through the crisp, wintry air towards the fields, I found myself surrounded by other girls, each clutching their brooms with confidence. Meanwhile, I barely managed to make it there without tripping. I stumbled next to a sixth-year girl

"Oh, hello! I'm Gia," she greeted warmly as I positioned myself beside her.

"I'm Sophorina    , but everyone calls me Soph," I replied, shaking her hand nervously.

"First tryout?" Gia guessed, noticing my anxious demeanor.

"Y-yes," I responded, my nerves edgy.

"Not to worry, you'll be fine. Everyone here is nice, and you seem nice as well. You'll fit right in," she reassured me,

As I stepped onto the Quidditch pitch, anticipation and nerves fluttered in my stomach. The grassy expanse stretched out before me, the goal hoops glinting in the sunlight, and the breeze carried the faint scent of snowflakes.

My broom felt both familiar and foreign beneath me as I mounted it, my hands gripping the handle tightly. The captain and coaches were already there, discussing strategy and assessing the crowd of hopefuls gathered around.

As the tryout began, we were put through a series of drills to showcase our flying skills. We weaved through obstacles, executed sharp turns, and practiced catching the Quaffle with precision. With each maneuver, I focused on my technique.

ear to ear, I flew past the stands and spotted a familiar face, a boy I knew quite well, waving enthusiastically and cheering for me. His eager enthusiasm warmed my heart.                   I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I noticed him shivering with excitement as I flew past again

Then came the passing and shooting drills, where we paired up and practiced teamwork. Communication was key as we coordinated our movements, aiming for the hoops with accuracy. Despite the pressure, there was a sense of camaraderie among us, each of us striving to do our best.                                                                                               Finally, it was time for scrimmage matches. The intensity rose as we divided into teams, the Quaffle flying back and forth as we fought for possession. Adrenaline surged through me as I chased after the elusive ball, my teammates cheering me on.

In the end, as the tryout drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I sighed walking off of the field to see Neville run after me

"That was B-lo-ody Am-a-zing So-ph!" I laughed "So.... d-id you m-ake it --o-n th-e team" he asked nervously                                                                                                                                                     "Time will tell Neville" she said as her bag landed on her shoulder


Severus savored his tea, his gaze fixed on his daughter as she bravely tried out for the Quidditch team, a moment he knew would etch itself into his memory for eternity.

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