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I sighed in frustration as the Floo powder left specks on my outfit, quickly swatting them off as my father and I hurried towards the unfamiliar house I knew we were headed to. "What's this for again?" I asked, curiosity in my tone as I glanced at my father.

"Dumbledore has these meetings for old graduates and staff to ensure the wizarding world stays in order," he explained blandly, already regretting our attendance. "What?" I teased, poking him gently with a chuckle. "You don't miss them?" I inquired, watching as he rolled his eyes in response.

"So much," he replied sarcastically, holding the door open for me with a smirk. "Why, thank you, kind sir," I said with a grin, stepping inside and stifling a low chuckle. As I entered, I took in the unique structure of the house, running my fingers along the material of the walls as I observed.

"I'll be in here if you need me," Severus announced, heading towards the alcohol cabinet, "Right, and I'm saying it's blo—" Ron's sentence trailed off as she walked into the room where Ron Weasley was talking, with  his twin brothers, George and Fred.

"Elllo," Fred greeted her with a playful wave, while George chimed in, "Good day," pulling out a chair for her to join them.

She nodded her thanks to George, silently appreciating his gesture. However, her attention was quickly diverted when she noticed Ron whispering something into George's ear, causing him to make an "ah" face before looking back at her.

"So, you're the one our little Neville speaks of?" George remarked, a glint in his eyes as Sophorina blushed, realizing Neville had been talking about her. "Quite annoying, it is, I might add. Talks our ears off," Fred chimed in, nodding in agreement with his twin.

"It's nice to know he speaks of me," she replied with a shy smile, feeling a warmth spread through her at the thought. "Sophorina, right?" Fred asked for confirmation, to which she nodded.

"And I assume you're a Weasley?" she inquired, observing their matching fiery hair. Fred and George exchanged offended looks before Sophorina hastily explained, "I mean, you guys have the same hair, that's all!" She raised her hands in defense as they stifled chuckles.

"Don't worry, we're just joking," they reassured her with grins, causing her to relax and nod in understanding. Just then, footsteps approached, and Harry entered the room, accompanied by a man Sophorina recognized immediately. Her expression shifted, losing interest, as Sirius Black walked in alongside Harry.

"Sopho—" Sirius began to say, but Sophorina interrupted sharply, "Don't you dare speak my name," before rising abruptly and storming out of the room.

She walked across the dry plain, watching as the sky darkened, her heart heavy with unresolved emotions. Suddenly, a twig snapped, and her wand was drawn with lightning speed, aimed at the intruder.

Sirius raised his hands in surrender as her wand hovered threateningly at his throat. With a sigh, she lowered it, but her guard remained high. "What is it you want?" she asked, her voice tinged with weariness.

"To apologize," Sirius replied softly, taking a seat on a nearby rock. She rolled her eyes, arms crossed defensively over her chest. "It's not me you need to apologize to," she said firmly, her gaze unwavering.

"Look..." she paused, her tone softer now, "I don't know what really happened between your group and my father, but I could find the pieces if I wanted to." "Yes, I know what we did to him was wrong," Sirius admitted, the wind tousling his hair. "And yes, we took it too far." Sophorina nodded in silent acknowledgment.

As the wind carried their thoughts away, Sirius replayed the memories in his mind "You're mother was the innocent one," he said softly, his gaze meeting Sophorina's.

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