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Sophorina     jolted awake moments before midnight, hastily throwing on a sweater and pants before bolting out of bed. Her heart raced as she dashed toward the Gryffindor common room, her steps quick and purposeful.

Ducking behind a pillar, she watched in silence as the trio stealthily made their way out. Sophorina     followed closely behind as they ventured outside.

In the moonlit night, an abandoned shack loomed into view, its eerie silhouette against the sky. The trio navigated past the Whomping Willow with practiced ease, its branches thrashing wildly but failing to catch them.

Sophorina     opted for a different approach, her wand at the ready as she approached the tree. With a flick and a whispered incantation, she gently lulled the once-menacing tree into a peaceful slumber.

Sophorina    's heart pounded in her chest as she cautiously approached the dilapidated Shrieking Shack, As she reached the entrance, muffled voices from within reached her ears, their urgency slicing through the stillness of the night. She pushed the old door open hesitantly.

Inside, the scene unfolded before her eyes—a tumult of emotions swirling within the cramped space. Sirius Black stood tall, his features etched with defiance, while her father, a mix of anger as his wand was urged into his throat, Severus's wand hand faltered as his eyes fell upon her, a mixture of surprise and concern flickering across his features. "Sophorina    ," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Dad!" she exclaimed, her confusion evident as Sirius wrestled the wand from Snape's grasp, his gaze now fixed on her with bewilderment and menace. "Dad?" he echoed; his tone laced with suspicion.

"Leave her out of this, Black," Snape interjected, his voice firm as he faced the threat head-on, though his resolve wavered in the face of Sirius's aggression. "Well, well, well, Snivelus," Sirius taunted, a malicious glint in his eyes as he brandished the wand once more. "Looks like you're the one stuck now."

"Sirius..." Remus interjected, his voice calm yet urgent, his hand reaching out to pull his friend away. "We have to go," he urged, his gaze flickering towards Sophorina    .

"Look at you two still arguing like a quarreling married couple" Severus's comment fueled Sirius's fury, his grip on the wand tightening as it pressed menacingly against his throat.

"You guys can't let him get away!" Sophorina     protested, her confusion giving way to desperation as she pleaded with Lupin and Harry, but her words fell on deaf ears.

"I'm sorry," Harry murmured, his expression pained as he uttered an incantation, sending Snape hurtling into a wooden bed frame with a resounding thud. "Dad!" she cried out, rushing to his side as they fled the chaotic scene.

She shook him gently, her heart pounding with fear as he stirred, his breaths coming in shallow gasps, blood trickling from a wound on his head.

"Dad, your head... are you okay?" she asked, her voice trembling with concern as she searched his eyes for reassurance. "We have to leave, it's a full moon," he muttered haltingly, his words carrying a weight of deeper significance, hinting at the trauma and memories that haunted him within these cursed walls.

Sophorina     helped him to his feet, as they made their escape from the shack, they spotted the trio Sophorina     running towards harry

"What was that for, Potter?" she demanded, her voice seething with anger, but her words were cut short by Ron's panicked warning.

"W-ol-f! Wol-f!" he shouted, scrambling for safety as a haunting howl pierced the air. Sophorina     turned just in time to see the menacing figure of a wolf emerging from the shadows, its eyes fixed hungrily on its prey.

In a heartbeat, Severus sprang forward, positioning himself protectively in front of the children, his own fear etched upon his face as memories of past horrors flooded his mind. The wolf lunged, its claws slicing through the air as it aimed for Severus's chest. With a grunt, he staggered back under the force of the blow, his fear faltering for the first time in years.

But just as the situation seemed dire, a distraction intervened—a dog's bark drawing the wolf's attention away from its intended target. As the trio watched in awe and trepidation, Harry and Ron sprang into action, chasing after the wolf and its newfound adversary.

Hermione hesitated, torn between fleeing and staying to help. Sophorina    , however, remained steadfast, reassuring her friend as she turned her attention to her injured father.

"It's alright, I've got him," she assured Hermione, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. Sophorina     closed her eyes, summoning a cherished memory as she whispered the incantation, "Expecto Patronum." A majestic elephant materialized before them, trumpeting proudly.

Severus's smile spoke volumes as he watched his daughter effortlessly conjure her Patronus. "I'm... so... proud of you," he murmured, his voice filled with emotion. "Rest, father," Sophorina     whispered, laying her head gently upon his chest as he sighed in relief

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