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The atmosphere crackled with as the start-of-term festivities commenced, each student Immersing themselves in both the delectable cuisine and captivating conversations that filled the air.

However, the lively chatter soon dwindled to a hush as Dumbledore, the headmaster, signaled the beginning of his address with a clearing of his throat.

"Before we start on this evening's banquet," he announced, his voice carrying a weight of authority and intrigue, "I wish to share a few words with you all." With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he uttered loudly: "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."

As murmurs of curiosity rippled through the crowd, Dumbledore unveiled the news. "As you've likely observed from our recent embellishments," he continued, gesturing to the altered decor, "our school  has been bestowed the honor of hosting the Tri-Wizarding Cup this year."

A chorus of cheers erupted, echoing throughout the halls, but Dumbledore swiftly tempered the excitement. "Yes, yes, it's indeed a thrilling," he conceded, his tone now tinged with solemnity. "However, I must implore each of you to maintain the utmost hospitality as our esteemed guests from other schools grace us with their presence."

The hall fell silent once more, hanging on Dumbledore's every word, until he suddenly exclaimed, "Ah, ...It appears our esteemed visitors have arrived!" With a grand flourish, the doors swung open, revealing the representatives from the far-flung schools

They stopped at the teacher table and bowed Moment of silence passed before bangs were heard as men entered the room booming their staff against the floor while flipping down the hall isle

the elegant ambiance of the hall,  striking woman adorned in a resplendent blue dresses and matching hats captivated the attention of every watcher with their graceful movements. The ethereal Ball seemed to cast a spell, enchanting both boys and girls alike.

Sophorina     turned to her friend Marie, curiosity gleaming in her eyes, trying to inquire about the mysterious figures. However, Marie appeared transfixed by the spectacle unfolding before them, completely immersed in the mesmerizing performance.

As the enigmatic woman gracefully made their way towards the teacher's table, a hushed anticipation filled the air. With a deep bow, the companions brought the room to a momentary standstill, their presence commanding respect .

Suddenly, the quiet atmosphere was shattered by the thunderous entrance of a group of men, their imposing figures accentuated by the resounding echo of their staffs striking the floor.


Sophorina     stood in her dorm room, a mix of excitement and nerves swirling within her as she gathered her Quidditch uniform and broom, preparing for her match against Slytherin today. As she stepped out of her common room into the bustling hallways of the castle, she was greeted by the sight of her father.

Despite his usually reserved demeanor, there was a warmth in his eyes whenever he looked at his daughter.

"You're outfit is missing something," she teased, a  smirk dancing on her lips as she noticed something amiss about her father's appearance.

"The Ravenclaw representation?" she quipped, watching as realization dawned on his face.

"I am on neither side this game," he responded, raising his hands in a mock surrender. But Sophorina     wasn't finished yet. "Close your eyes," she instructed.

"Should I trust you?" he joked, though there was no doubt in his heart that he trusted his daughter implicitly. "Yes!" she exclaimed, her tone indignant yet laced with affection. "You can trust me."

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