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The dungeons exuded an icy chill as I traversed their depths. With hesitant steps, I approached my father's quarters and gently tapped on the door. A weary sigh and the rustle of fabric greeted me as the door creaked open.

"Oh," his expression softened into a smile, "Hello, love," he greeted as her arms enveloped him in a comforting embrace. "Hi, Dad," she replied, returning the hug.

"So, what brings you down to the cold dungeons?" he joked, pouring her a glass of her favorite tea. "Quality time?" she suggested, taking a sip of the tea.

"Mhm," Severus replied knowingly, sensing his daughter's ulterior motive. "What is it you want?" he asked, catching her off guard.

"How are your classes?" she inquired, attempting to ease into the conversation. "Satisfactory. Those first years are such dunderheads," he remarked casually, eliciting a chuckle from her. "They'll grow on you," she reassured him.

Severus chuckled. "Dad," she began as he turned his attention towards her. "Yes, sweetie?"

"So, you know..." she trailed off, hesitating. "The Hogsmeade trip tomorrow..." "Yes, Sophronia, I know of it," he replied shortly, prompting her to explain further.

"I was wondering... if I could maybe go?" she asked, wearing a hopeful grin. "I suppose..." she started to smile, but he interrupted, causing her smile to falter.

'But," he added, and her expression shifted to disappointment. "Minerva will be keeping a close eye on you," he informed her, noticing her confusion.

"That's it?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing. He chuckled. "What did you expect? For me to sentence you to eternity in my dungeon?" he joked, laughing.

To be quite frank, I did anticipate something along those lines. My father was notably protective of me and keenly aware of my whereabouts. I sprang out of my chair, beaming, and enveloped him in a hug. "Thank you, Dad," I exclaimed.

He returned the hug with a smile. "Will you walk me back to my quarters?" I asked, noticing his expression soften. "Of course," he replied warmly.


As the frosty morning dawned, Neville emerged from the carriage, his steps unsteady. He chose solitude, preferring not to accompany Harry and his companions, aware of the trouble they often found themselves in.

I sighed, feeling the chill creeping in. I regretted not grabbing an extra jacket. It wasn't long before Sophronia noticed me as she trailed behind ,the shiver and the slight quiver prompting her to offer a  remark

"Feeling a chill, or is it just my charm?" she teased, a mischievous glint in her eye. Nevile jumped at her sudden presence

"So-p-h-orin-a" he said as her remark made his cheek crimson "I didn't know you were coming" he "My father let me go," she said simply, "And what, your parents didn't teach you to wear extra layers in the cold?" she remarked lightly as they entered a small charms shop.

Sophronia noticed Neville's emotions shift in response to her comment. "Neville?" she called gently, observing his gaze drift towards the charms display. "My gran raised me," he said, his voice tinged with sadness.

Sophronia nodded understandingly, sensing the need to shift the mood to something lighter.

"I saw a sweets shop across, come on!" she exclaimed, seizing his hand and pulling him out of the shop. Neville's body tensed at the unexpected contact of Sophronia's hand, his heart fluttering slightly.

The two stumbled into the sweet shop, enveloped by the delightful aroma of sugary treats. As Neville reaches for two lollipops, Sophronia gathers two bags of sweets, one destined for Marie and the other for her father. Their shopping takes a sudden turn when Neville's steps falter upon spotting Roy, a familiar face from potions class, lurking nearby

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