XXII- moving out

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"So you're... moving?" Tobias asked with a half skeptical half confused expression.

On the other hand Marcus just looked at (Y/n) with slight concern and a paternal smile, worried that this decision might be more impulsive than it was wise. But (Y/n) had made up her mind.

She was going to live with Lupita. A decision that she was sure would benefit both herself and her two hosts.

So in spite of the guilt needling at her heart as she met Tobias's gaze, (Y/n) didn't back down and instead straightened her posture.

"That's the plan, yes." She said, "Lupita offered for me to come live with her and help me find a job so that I can look out for myself. And I know you guys probably aren't too sure about this, but I trust Lupita and I honestly think this is for the best."

Tobias wanted to listen to (Y/n), truly he did, even more so considering he had come to the same conclusion just the night before. It was true that (Y/n) moving out and away from him was for the best. Both for himself and for her. But even so, he couldn't help the panicked thoughts in his mind to take over.

She can't. What if this Lupita is a threat? What if something happens to her and I'm not here?

What if she gets into trouble and gets kidnapped, hurt or killed?

What if I can't protect her?


All were thoughts that had Tobias's stomach tying into knots and dread washing over him in cold tidal waves. Unstoppable and destructive.

"It's not safe." He said, the muscles in his jaw tensing and flexing as he stared at (Y/n) with crossed arms. "You just met her. You don't know her."

"I didn't know you either when I first came here." (Y/n) argued back, more so to defend her point than out of annoyance with his words. And it was true, when (Y/n) first arrived in the city she didn't know who Tobias was, and had no idea what his intentions were. But it wasn't the same! Tobias would have never hurt (Y/n). The very idea of it made him sick to his stomach and the simple fact she could ever allude to it really didn't sit well with him.

"I would never hurt you." Tobias shook his head in dismissal, "You know this."

(Y/n) opened her mouth as if to say something, but held herself back and pressed her lips in a tight line. Only for Marcus to say what had been on her mind in her stead.

"You're right, Tobias. We know you would have never hurt (Y/n), nor me." The old man said with a gentle smile, his wrinkled hand giving Tobias's shoulder a squeeze. "But it's (Y/n)'s choice to make. Not yours, not mine. And if (Y/n) thinks that living with Lupita is what's best for her, then we have to trust her good judgment and encourage her to do what's in her best interest. Don't you agree, son?"

Tobias's eyes strayed to Marcus, thoughts racing in his head as he considered his grandfather's words.

Marcus was right. If Tobias was in his right mind, he'd never consider restricting (Y/n)'s freedom and choosing for her just for the sake of keeping her safe from a potential threat.

This was his Infection talking, not him.

He had to get a grip.

"Right." Tobias finally relented, jaw tight as he gritted the words out.

(Y/n) heaved a relieved sigh, a smile finally gracing her lips, a sight that both eased Tobias's heart and made it crumble in his chest.

"Thank you guys for helping me and giving me a home when I needed one." She said, her eyes momentarily meeting his. "I promise not to become a stranger and to find a way to pay you back."

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