3. New Home

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Pov: Yohi

This night turned out to be the most unbearable night of my life. Not long ago, sleeping under a tree felt like the height of discomfort, but at least there was silence and peace. This time was different: the streets filled with sinister shadows. Strange, ominous figures in dark clothes, as if emerging from nightmares, silently moved through the dim and light alleys. They were so secretive and gloomy, they seemed like maniacs ready to pounce on anyone they met.

And Oliver, that petty, infantile fool, because of whom we ended up on the street, just curled up in some alleyway and fell asleep, leaving me alone in this dreadful place. I sat next to him, my back against the cold wall, my eyes continuously scanning the surroundings. Every bark of a dog, distant or near, triggered an adrenaline rush in me and a readiness to fight for my life. Despite all my vigilance, the night passed without incident. But the next day at work, I truly felt the consequences of that exhausting, sleepless night. My eyes were glued shut, my head wasn't working, refusing to count change correctly, and the unpleasant taste caused by not being able to brush my teeth lingered in my mouth, making me regret ever taking pity on that foolish child and sheltering him.

— Yohi, hey, what's wrong with you? — Ruby said, lightly tapping me on the back of my head, waking me from a doze, — Go wash up, I have to leave soon. There are chores at home, and I have a date late in the evening. I need to shower... I won't be around to monitor your consciousness, so you need to wake up! You've been like this all day, goodness... from morning till night! Mom will be here soon, just stay here by yourself for a while... okay, bye!

— The girl, grabbing her bag, quickly exited the bakery while I once again let my head fall onto the counter, wishing I could fall asleep.

"I need to bring him some food... he hasn't eaten in over a day, and that was just a small piece of bread. And I'm not full either" — I thought, forcing myself to stand and walk to the counter with fresh bread. The delicate scent of baking tortured me all this heavy day, and this young lady had been near me almost all the time, not allowing even a piece to be taken. I had little money, and it might still come in handy, now it's only theft left! Sweet Ann hadn't arrived yet, and I didn't know when she would, but action was necessary — no risk, no reward!

I opened the lid of the shelf with cheese buns filled with meat, took out a couple, and, after slightly squashing them into my small bag, headed for the bakery's back exit, not the main one, fearing detection. Sweet Ann had said that their town was good, nobody would steal, so I left everything quite calmly. There weren't many people on the street either, so there weren't exactly a crowd of customers.

Breathing in the fresh air, I boldly strode towards the alley where Oliver and I had spent the night, and since it was nearby, I quickly reached our spot.

— Hello... — I said, noticing the boy sitting and hiding behind a trash can, — Have you been sitting here all day?

Oliver looked up at me, pouting his lips, and then pulled a jingling pouch from his trousers and threw it to me.

— It may be illegal, but I earned... more than you, for now! — he said indignantly, baring his teeth.

I slightly opened the pouch and peered inside to see a few silver coins. There weren't many, and their denomination wasn't great, but it wasn't too bad; perhaps the owner of the pouch wouldn't decide to search for such a small amount.

— Hmm... alright... — I said, slipping the pouch into my bag, — Here's your reward, little one...

I pulled out two buns from the same bag, handed one to him, and kept the other for myself. I sat down next to the boy and took a small bite, while he took a huge chunk, maybe 3/10 of the entire bun... I was smarter, trying to make the most of the little I had, and he wasn't watching himself at all. And what was I to do with this thorn in my side?

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