24. The Fate of Relationships

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POV: Oliver

— Oliver, dear... wake up... — I heard Sweet Ann's soft voice close by, followed by a gentle nudge, pulling me out of a deep sleep, — Are you coming down for lunch? You missed breakfast, at least have lunch...

I grumbled, turned my body away from the wall towards the ceiling, and looked up at Ann, who was standing over me. I grumbled again, but got up and looked around... Yohi was still asleep, facing the wall.

— What about Hio? — I asked, taking my clothes from Ann's hands, which she had prepared for me. They were the clothes we wore yesterday, only well-washed.

— Hio said he didn't want to... let him rest. Or do you not want to either? — the woman replied, stepping away from me and heading towards the door.

— No-no, I'll go... I'll be down in a moment...

Sweet Ann just nodded and left the room, leaving me alone to get dressed, which I did almost immediately. It was slightly uncomfortable wearing these clothes because of yesterday, but I had gotten used to them, like it was nothing serious! I approached the door, ready to leave, but stopped, looking at Hio. I turned around, carefully approached the sleeping boy, and gently, almost imperceptibly hugged him. He didn't react at all, continuing to sleep, then I finally left the room. Ann wasn't waiting for me, so I headed to the dining hall alone. Nervously, I knocked on the door and cautiously opened it... all the family members were already sitting at the table, waiting for me...

— H-hello... — I said quietly, approaching the table.

— Good afternoon, Oliver! — Al said gently, smiling and pointing to a spot next to him, inviting me to sit, and I obediently complied.

For lunch, we had fried potatoes with vegetables and chicken pieces, and a light soup before that. Ann wished us all a good appetite, and we began to eat, though I felt very awkward and uncomfortable... ashamed of how kind these people were to me and how much trouble I had caused their town...

— Well, Oliver... now that you've calmed down, maybe you can tell us a bit about yourself? — Al asked, in a very gentle tone, without pressure, trying to speak softly, lowering the volume of his voice.

— W-what exactly? — I asked, swallowing soup, — I've only ever told the truth about myself... I have nothing to say...

— Hmm... so you always tell the truth, right? — Al asked again, looking at me patiently.

— Yes, I never lie! — I exclaimed, frowning and looking Al in the eyes seriously, — If I lie... I start hearing voices I'd rather forget, and they tell me things I don't want to hear... and the only way to stop it is to punish myself for lying and cut myself... so I don't lie...

I hid my hand with the scar under the table, showing that I said this to make them truly believe that I don't lie, but I didn't want to expand on this topic further...

— Mmm... maybe you should get some treatment? — Ruby suggested, but Ann shook her head in disapproval, clearly unhappy with such a suggestion.

— Yeah, right, as if he needs to be "treated" through work, to be isolated in sanitariums and experience hydrotherapy, we don't need any of that! They also might decide to treat the poor boy with leeches! No, I won't allow it! — the woman said, glaring at Ruby, — I think we can help him ourselves... I don't know, provide support... especially since him not lying is good, although sometimes it's worth holding back the long tongue, it's bad that, apparently, there are situations when telling the truth is dangerous, and you have to lie, and even that he can't forgive himself... is that right?

— Um... y-yes... that day... Fukase asked if what Miku said about us was true, that girl who... well, eventually told everything. If I had told the truth — there would have been serious problems. So I lied... I... I'm a bad person... — I confessed, turning away with an ashamed and sad look.

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