25. The Absence of Hope

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POV: Oliver

I slowly came to from a deep sleep in a dark room, Fukase's head resting on my chest, which made me blush and feel utterly embarrassed... but what truly snapped me out of it was the realization that the city had almost sunk into darkness. I needed to get home, otherwise Ann, Al, and Ruby might think I was a liar!

Struggling to detach myself from the warmth of the bed, I carefully stood up, trying not to make any noise so as not to wake Fukase, who was still sound asleep. Approaching the door, I gently cracked it open and stepped into the hallway, only to stop dead in my tracks upon encountering Flower, Fukase's sister. Her eyes narrowed in disapproval, and I could feel the air thicken with tension around us.

— What are you doing here? — her voice was cold and piercing as an icy wind.

— I... I just... — I began, but my words faltered as Luka, Fukase's mother, appeared in the hallway. Her gaze was filled with evident displeasure, and my heart began to race with anxiety.

— Isn't this the little Tattler! What are you doing here?! — the woman demanded, gripping my arm to prevent me from escaping scot-free.

At that moment, as if emerging from beneath the earth, Fukase appeared. His presence seemed to defuse the tense atmosphere.

— Oliver is my friend, and I decide who I invite into my home! — he stood between us, like a shield.

— Don't get cheeky, young man, this is my house, I pay for it! — Luka tried to argue back, but Fukase remained adamant:

— It's payment for not believing me when Oliver's brother lied to you about me, and I'm your son, after all! — his words were full of resolve.

Luka seemed to sink into her thoughts, embarrassed that she had not believed him back then... After pondering it all, she sighed heavily and released me, saying:

— Fine, have it your way...

I felt it was time for me to leave, to avoid adding any more tension. Although I had already realized I was overdue to be home, and Ann and Al might worry, thinking that I had lied and run away, but I'm no liar!

— I better go... — I said, moving away from everyone toward the door.

Fukase looked at me understandingly.

— I'll walk you out... The kids should all be going to bed, but just in case... — he offered, grabbing my hand, which made my cheeks flush hotly again, but he didn't notice, and we left the apartment and then stepped outside.

It was already quite dark outside, with only the street lamps illuminating the surroundings. Few people were out, which was reassuring... and having Fukase by my side was comforting, even if his touch was thrillingly unsettling.

— Thank you, Fukase... — I whispered as we approached my house and he let go of my hand, — I hope you make up with guys...

— Even if we don't — it doesn't matter... I have you! — he said warmly, smiling as he gently hugged me and buried his burnt hand in my hair, — I'll come by for you tomorrow, okay? Don't go anywhere alone, it's not safe, you know... good night. And don't leave me... stay in this city... Things are going to get better!

I remained silent for a moment, then also hugged him back, whispering:

— I promise...

After we released each other from our embrace, Fukase left, leaving me alone. As he disappeared from view, I sighed and walked through the gates. Approaching the door, I tugged at the handle, and to my surprise, it was unlocked... it's usually locked at this hour... I thought I would have to climb a tree to an open second-floor window, as I had done once before. Opening the door, I found Al on the threshold, apparently about to leave... Seeing me, he exhaled with relief and removed his shoes.

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