19. Tender Feelings and Dances

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Pov: Oliver

We ran through the city streets with Fukase like two unrestrained children, filled with energy and a thirst for adventure. We laughed, joking with each other. Fukase seemed so free and joyful, his cheerful mood was contagious. He was proud of himself for managing to wear a skirt that evening, despite his mother's prohibition, and I was pleased — I genuinely liked how skirts looked on him, especially such elegant ones. This time, it wasn't just the clothing below the waist that looked feminine, but also the blouse he wore — it had a big red bow on the back that amusingly swayed with the gentle breeze. The only thing that looked somewhat masculine on him was his black shoes with a small heel and a long, black, light, and unbuttoned jacket.

When we arrived at the large building where the ball was to be held, I stopped, captivated by its majesty. The building resembled a fairy-tale castle, with its huge windows adorned with exquisite curtains and a majestic front door decorated with golden patterns. The facade of the building sparkled in the rays of the setting sun, giving it a special solemnity and brilliance. The garden around it was also very beautiful, with many neatly trimmed trees and bushes with flowers, the lawn was also neatly trimmed, a working fountain was visible in the distance, and all this was complemented by small stone statues. Everything was so disgustingly rich for me, yet beautiful...

Noticing my enchanted expression, Fukase took my hand and led me inside. Entering the building, I felt like the hero of some magical story. Inside was just as impressive as the outside: high ceilings, luxurious chandeliers that emitted a soft light reflecting off the polished marble floors. The walls were adorned with artworks, and elegant statues stood along the corridor. Near the walls stood a pair of long tables with various dishes, but I wasn't very interested, as I had just eaten before leaving.

There were many beautiful people in beautiful outfits around, but at first glance, they were all strangers to me...

— You can walk around freely, you know! — Fukase said, snapping me out of my thoughts, — On the first floor, everyone is mingling now, but there's almost no one on the second floor, especially at the beginning of the evening. Well, usually that's how it is! Want to go up there?

I nodded, and he led me to the staircase leading to the second floor. The staircase was wide and decorated with exquisite carpets.

Fukase walked ahead, and I followed him, absorbed in the beauty and grandeur of the place. The second floor was just as magnificent as the first, with several halls and another staircase. It was less illuminated, with only a couple of dim lamps in the corners of the room, and the light of the sunset also illuminated everything around, adding a sense of calm to the place. It was quiet and peaceful here, with hardly any people.

— Beautiful! — I exclaimed, stepping on the floor and tapping it with my little-heeled shoes, — Do you come here often?

— Well, I usually find it a bit boring, so I haven't come often! Mostly some haughty kids here, they don't want to talk with a 'burned freak'! — Fukase laughed, seemingly not at all bothered by how others looked at him.

— Oh, don't say that! You're very handsome! I like your charm... I mean... burns stand out, I like that... without them, you'd look like some rich guy who never leaves his home, so clean all the time. And I don't like rich people! But I love your scruffy look! And you have cute curls, they really add to your simplicity, he-he! — I said, turning to face him with a joyful smile.

— Ha-ha, thanks, my prince! — Fukase replied, grabbing the tips of his skirt and lifting it, bowing. I laughed at this elegant gesture, my laughter echoing quietly through the floor. Fukase also smiled quietly, but then he let go of his skirt and quickly came over to me, — Well, since it's a ball — maybe you'll be my dance partner, hmm? I've long wanted to dance with someone who's not just the one I'm supposed to dance with, like a dance teacher or some girl they pair me with in dance class!

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