23. Punishment for the City's Pests

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Pov: Yohi

It was the last night of my life, not particularly peaceful, given Oliver's hysterics, and not very comfortable, considering the hardness of the beds in our cell compared to the softness of the beds at the Rose family home. But that night had long since ended, for now, as the guards who came to take us to our execution with Oliver said, it was already 3 PM. We now walked calmly through the corridors of this dungeon, glancing back at the other locked doors... I walked with a composed demeanor, skillfully hiding my fear, while Oliver quietly sobbed, unable to muster a bit more bravery in the face of death, he was terribly frightened.

— Boys... — a gentle, beloved female voice rang out nearby. It was Sweet Ann, who cautiously approached us and the guards slightly backed off. Our hands were  tied, so Oliver and I weren't much of a threat.

— Ann... — I whispered quietly, shamefully raising my head to the woman. She approached Oliver and me and stood before us, looking with sadness, pity, and some inappropriate kindness, — I... I didn't get to talk to you yesterday, may I now?

Ann looked at me with interest, then calmly nodded, and the guards retreated a bit further, allowing us to speak more frankly.

— I'm sorry that things are this way... I... I know you probably think of me as a terrible person, I'm sincerely sorry, although I don't think you can believe someone like me. — I began, lowering my head and trying not to look at the woman, — I... I see that you clearly blame yourself here, but... it's only us to blame and we deserve this, although I don't want Oliver to be punished.

— Yohi, I... actually... — Ann started to say something, but I interrupted her:

— No need. — I firmly said, raising my head, — I just want to say... I want to... thank you. You and Al have done so much for us and I hope you will continue to help those in need, despite the bad experiences continuing... — I continued, slightly trembling. I had never thanked someone so sincerely, — Thank you, Sweet Ann... You've done more than my own mother and I felt wanted for a while, even though I know you don't see me that way. Thank you... forgive us.

I finished speaking and for a moment all sounds vanished from the room. The silence squeezed me, but later Ann broke it with a quiet sob, then ran away from us, not even allowing Oliver to say goodbye to her. I didn't want to make her cry, but what can I do...? I overdid it with the revelations, but it's too late to think about that now...

After receiving a scolding from the guards for making Ann cry, they continued to lead us forward. After a while, we found ourselves in the fresh air, surrounded by many townspeople, familiar and unfamiliar to me. They chatted, shouted, laughed, while occasionally glancing at Oliver and me and whispering with sly smiles. Disgusting... I was a spectacle to them.

Led by the guards through the crowd, we walked as if to our execution, which was not far from the truth. A rough shove in the back forced us to move faster, despite the fear spreading like icy cold through my body. The voices of the townspeople buzzed around... their looks filled with curiosity, condemnation, pity, and sometimes malicious triumph made my eyes tear up, but I didn't allow myself to cry. Oliver, frightened, pressed up against me; I wanted to hug him, comfort him, but my hands were tightly and securely bound.

My gaze slid over the faces in the crowd, but I quickly lowered it, trying not to meet the eyes of those who had come to see us. Hatred, disappointment, indifference — these emotions were directed at the two of us. Oliver sobbed next to me, his tears a heavy burden on my heart. Each of his sobs reminded me that I had led us here, that I was the cause of his suffering. I hate it when children suffer... especially Oliver — my little brother...

In the distance, on the square, two grim and relentless gallows towered. Oliver froze at the sight of them, and his sobs turned into quiet crying. I felt a lump form in my throat. Noticing our halt, a guard pushed me again from behind, but in a desperate impulse, I turned around and tried to push him away.

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