22. Two Young Men Who Cannot Escape

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POV: Oliver

The day was unfolding quite ordinarily. I was engaged in my usual activity, intently sewing a toy... again for Fukase... I harbored strange, very warm feelings towards him and wanted to please him without any particular reason. Last time he was delighted by the toy, so why not repeat the gesture? My hands automatically carried out the familiar motions, while my thoughts wandered far away... pondering everything that was happening around us.

At one point, my work was interrupted by a knock on the door, after which it swung open and Big Al entered the room... I turned to greet him. What brought him here? He seldom came into the room I shared with Yohi... anxiety gripped me...

— Oliver, I need your help. Nothing serious! — he said, his voice calm, he was smiling, but his eyes conveyed seriousness.

I set aside my work, sensing the tension hanging in the air. Big Al's words always sounded persuasive due to his distinctive voice, but now they also seemed mysterious, causing my hands to slightly sweat...

— Um... what needs to be done? — I asked, trying to hide the unease that was beginning to swell within me.

Al handed me an envelope, white, unadorned... thin, as if it was nearly empty...

— This is a letter for Yohi. Take it to him at the bakery. But first, you must promise me you won't look inside. It's important and very personal... you're still too young for such conversations! — his voice was insistent but slightly teasing.

— Ah? What kind of "such"? Erotica in there?! — I asked mockingly, taking the envelope and holding it up to the window, as if trying to let the sunlight see through the paper.

The man laughed heartily at my question but shook his head.

— No, no, I don't have that kind of stuff, haha! Where did such thoughts come from? It's too early for you, kid! Just personal, and kids are impressionable and like to imagine and chatter too much! — laughed Al, stepping closer and embracing me, — Well, what do you say?

My gaze focused on the envelope and I felt distrust growing inside me. But I suppressed it, convincing myself of the paranoia that Hio had previously mentioned to me, and I gripped the envelope tightly in my hands.

— I promise, Al. I won't look! — I stated firmly, although my curiosity and anxiety screamed the opposite. Even though I was still poor at reading, and probably wouldn't understand the handwriting anyway!

Al nodded, satisfied with my response, and placed his hand on my shoulder. In his eyes, I saw something more than just gratitude — it looked like a farewell. It was so strange...

— Good luck, Oliver... see you... — he said, and his voice carried an unspoken sad undertone.

Exiting the house, I felt a wave of doubts wash over me. My legs reluctantly carried me along the familiar route to the bakery. My mind screamed in unison, "Something is wrong, I need to run, I need to escape," but I couldn't... I didn't want to leave everything I loved.

Each step towards the bakery seemed a trial, and not just because of my thoughts. People around behaved oddly, their glances sliding over me as if I were something more than just a boy on his errands. They talked among themselves, I listened, but their conversations seemed empty, meaningless, and they gathered in groups, exchanging quick, nervous looks.

Thoughts that I needed to run, that something was wrong and they knew something, became my constant companions on this journey. But I couldn't leave, now not only because of my attachment to everyone who remained at home but also because of Yohi... I didn't want to leave him alone, especially now, when everything seemed so troubling. He still acted carefree, not believing my fears...

Two Tattlers Who Managed To EscapeWhere stories live. Discover now