11. Saturday's Entertainment

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Pov: Yohi

Saturday evening had been grueling, and I felt a mix of fatigue and a slight urge to unwind. Deciding to give in to the urge, I headed to a bar I hadn't yet visited since my escape. The last time at a bar wasn't too fun due to an incident with Oliver back in our hometown, but now I was in a different place, starting anew, and Oliver, still too young, would hardly be allowed in a bar here, especially without adult supervision... back home, though, no one really cared, though they only served us from sixteen.

As I approached the entrance, the bouncer sized me up. He asked about my age, and I simply stated I was 18. He looked me over, nodded, and let me in... I looked between 16 and 18, and although underage drinking wasn't allowed in this town, not everyone cared if you looked mature enough. It felt good to be seen as an adult!

The bar was not too crowded, which suited me just fine. I approached the bar and saw a familiar face — it was the guy I'd recently told a story about a woman who stabbed her husband. He was sitting at the bar, sipping what seemed to be brandy. I sat next to him, and he recognized me right away.

— Oh, look who it is! — he exclaimed, pausing his drink and clapping me on the shoulder, — Good to see you! How was your day? Haven't seen you here before!

— Ah, yes, it's my first time here... — I replied, signaling the bartender and ordering a whiskey and some tender slices of meat, — I've heard that the tale I told you has spread...

— Yes, I've heard that story quite a lot now, ha-ha! Some doubt it, but they believe nonetheless, — he said, smiling sheepishly, as it was unlikely he spread the rumor himself.

— It seems people like such stories, despite their grimness and the tarnishing of the town's reputation. — I mused, sipping my drink. It had been a while since I tasted this flavor... I just had to make sure not to drink too much, I only act sensibly if I drink a little, then my brain starts spinning! — I hope I won't be accused of lying if it turns out to be false! After all, I just shared what was told to me...

— Don't worry about it... besides, you didn't mention any names, people just started guessing! — he replied, smiling as if to ease my worries, — And these stories, though they cause a bit of discord, make our daily life so vivid! It was interesting to hear people's guesses... anyway, let's change the subject! Seems like everyone's buzzing about it, no need for us to keep it up, right? — he suggested, extending his hand for a handshake, — I'm Dex! Nice to meet you!

— I'm Yohi. Just Hio is fine! Nice to meet you too! — I smiled, shaking his firm hand.

We continued talking about various things, and I was surprised by how easily we found common ground. Yes, I was good at mingling with people, but I hadn't really made friends in my previous town, as I found wandering the city and gossiping more intriguing. Time with Dex flew by unnoticed; we laughed and shared life stories, though mine were often made up! It seemed I was finally making strides in socializing in this new city, which was beneficial since I mostly interacted with my new "family," Oliver and Maika, and even that was a bit awkward with her, as I didn't quite see her as just a friend.

 Time with Dex flew by unnoticed; we laughed and shared life stories, though mine were often made up! It seemed I was finally making strides in socializing in this new city, which was beneficial since I mostly interacted with my new "family," Oliv...

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