18. Preparing for the Evening Ball

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POV: Yohi

Three days had passed since the incident with Miku. Under Ann's advice, I hadn't worked, although I felt perfectly fine and my wound didn't hurt anymore. Oliver had hardly gone out in these three days, talking only with Sweet Ann and me. He had been feeling insecure, preferring to stay silent and refusing to discuss what had happened even with me. However, when Fukase visited us that morning, Oliver became a bit more open... they talked about various things in the garden, and it seemed to help him recover. Finally, he started to laugh and tease me again. Although I didn't like being teased — it was better than seeing him silent and sad. Such young children shouldn't cry.

— Ah, good evening! — exclaimed Al, entering the living room where I was sitting with Oliver and Ruby, who was enthusiastically telling us about her date, — How are you feeling, kids?

Al approached Oliver and me, ruffling our hair.

— We're better, thank you for caring... — I said, bowing my head in respect, to which he sighed discontentedly but with a smile, — How was your day?

— Normal... still dealing with rumors and figuring out what to do about the girl who attacked you, Hio. She isn't from our town, it seems. We might either banish her, forbidding her return, or keep her in jail... let her rot there for a while. There's plenty of work to be done... — the man complained, sighing heavily as he sat down on a lone sofa by the extinguished fireplace, — I see Oliver is feeling better too?

— Yes, thank you... — Oliver replied shyly, — Oh... by the way, I mended Hio's shirt! There's no hole anymore! — he continued, as if boasting.

— Ha-ha, well done! — the man exclaimed, smiling tenderly, — I'm glad you're feeling better... but try not to do that again, you almost gave my Ann a heart attack! And of course, it's not the best way to vent... better to talk things out...

— Yes, okay, sorry... — Oliver said, his head bowed in embarrassment, and I patted his shoulder as if to say "it's all right."

We continued talking, and Ruby, reenergized, started speaking about her date again. Al listened with interest, asking questions, although he seemed tired of her constant talks about dates, but clearly didn't want to upset her. Although my relationship with Ruby was still not very close — she somehow saw me as a "rival for parental love" — his relationship with her was as it should be between a father and daughter: he supported her, helped her with everything, protected and defended her... sometimes he made concessions for her, and because of that, I once saw him with a slight, barely noticeable manicure and very faint makeup, which he clearly felt uncomfortable wearing. Ruby worked as a manicurist and makeup artist and loved doing makeup on guys, which was quite unique, but alas, they rarely visited her, which indeed made it a unique experience. Since she still wanted to do men's makeup — Al sometimes allowed her to apply light makeup on him, which he couldn't bring himself to remove, out of love for his precious gem.

— Guys! Guess what I've got?! — Ann's exhilarated voice rang out as she returned from town and burst into the living room, holding an envelope in her hands.

— Oh my God! — exclaimed Ruby, leaping from her chair and snatching the envelope from her mother, — Hooray! We're going to a ball, hooray! So... can I invite my little commoner Gumi?

— I think no one would mind... You're girls, everyone takes it as "girly foolery", you know, so it won't be a problem, ha-ha! And you, Oliver, be careful... Fukase will probably go, as always. — Ann joked, glancing at Oli, who immediately blushed and puffed his lips, turning away from her, — Oh, I'm just teasing! You've been feeling better since he came, so the jokes just write themselves! Don't be offended, I'm just joking! But you know how even hints of "that sort of thing" can lead to punishment, so be careful with all this hugging friendship. Though our town is more relaxed about it, of course...

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