9. Echoes of the Past

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Pov: Oliver

"In this town, where everyday stories unfold on its streets, there once lived a boy. He was different from other boys: instead of shorts and t-shirts, he preferred wearing skirts, and his face was subtly graced with makeup. But what truly set him apart was in his heart. He wasn't interested in girls; he was drawn to other boys, which greatly displeased his father. 'Boys should be boys! Boys shouldn't like other boys!' his father often exclaimed, but the boy refused to change himself." — I began, leaving James sitting on the stage, forcing Fukase to peek from behind.

— That's Fukase! — exclaimed one of the girls, pointing at the toy in my hand, — He's always so aggressive and weird...

— Yes, he deserved his father's disdain! — shouted a boy, — Ew, how can boys like boys! Disgusting!

Their negative reaction towards my victim only played into my hands...

"Yes, that's true, but, as mentioned, the boy decided he wanted to be 'not like everyone else,' and he continued his eccentric ways!" — I continued, setting the children against Fukase. No one likes those who want to be 'not like everyone else', — "One day, there was a fire at their house!" — I changed the scene, — "The fire quickly engulfed everything, and in the chaos, the boy was trapped. A heavy log fell on his leg, injuring him so he couldn't escape. His father, hearing cries for help, could have saved him, but instead..."

A silence fell...

— What did he do? — asked one boy, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"He ran away!" — I exclaimed, feeling the air grow heavier around us, — "He left his son to fate. The boy was saved by his sister, who risked her life for him. Who knows why she was so kind to him, perhaps she was 'not like everyone else,' who knows?"

— Yes, she's weird! I mistook her for a boy when I first saw her! She had short hair then and doesn't wear skirts... — chimed in a green-haired girl, seemingly helping my cause, — And she barely talks to boys... maybe she's not normal, just the opposite! Maybe it runs in the family, ha-ha!

"The father's actions left a deep scar on the boy's soul. He felt betrayed and unloved! And now the boy was not only injured on the outside," — I switched the Fukase toy for a wounded one, complete with a cane and scars, and the children laughed as if to say, 'That's what the weird guy deserves!' — "but inside as well! Since then, this fool walks around our little town, bitter and just as strange, as if protesting against his father, holding a grudge, or perhaps not understanding why he is treated this way! But who is to blame? It's important to remember that every decision we make has consequences. The boy chose to be foolish — not like everyone else — and that brought rejection."

— And rightly so! Fukase is always such an upstart, and so rude! So annoying! — exclaimed one of the boys, — I think he deserved it!

"Perhaps you're right, it's up to you to decide!" — I said, — "Let's ask ourselves: who is to blame in this story? The father who couldn't accept his son as he is, or the boy who decided to stand out?"

The children pondered, their faces reflecting thought and doubt.

"But if the father abandoned him... it's worth thinking about..." — I continued, taking James in my hand again. Now it was time to focus the children, who had gathered in large numbers, on what Fukase was most ashamed of, — "How hated must a child be for his own father to abandon him?"

Silence once again enveloped the place. The children thought it over, and later one of the girls exclaimed:

— My parents would never do that! I'm sure Fukase is to blame himself!

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