4. Family Dinner

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Pov: Yohi

Appearance is the first impression. We'd already made that impression about us not the best when we met probably the main host in the house, appearing before him in dirty clothes, but there were reasons for that, and now it was important to show that we could be neat and pretty! That's why I was trying to carefully comb my "little brother's" hair, whom I had never seen untangled before, both in our hometown and here. He was a child, just a regular boy, not overly concerned with his appearance, though he was naturally handsome and comely, but I was concerned about how our appearance might reflect on our stay in this house... being cute and with a pleasing face wasn't enough, you needed to be well-groomed too! He was not too pleased about it and, while I was trying to untangle his knotted hair, he was grumbling something under his breath, looking at a bird on his hand as if he was talking to it.

 being cute and with a pleasing face wasn't enough, you needed to be well-groomed too! He was not too pleased about it and, while I was trying to untangle his knotted hair, he was grumbling something under his breath, looking at a bird on his hand...

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— Hey, you two! — Ruby exclaimed, bursting into the bathroom, — Get ready already, for dinner... here, put these on, to look pretty!

The girl threw some crumpled clothes our way and ran off. Sighing, I put the comb down on the table and, standing up from the stool I had been sitting on earlier, picked up the clothes from the floor. There were two coats, resembling thin robes or something of the sort. One coat was wheat-colored and was longer, and the other was blue with yellow ribbons, it was a bit thicker, and also came with a cape, only a shade darker. Giving him the shorter items, I put on the wheat-colored coat myself. It fit me perfectly, being just knee-length. And Oliver looked very noble in his outfit... like some little prince. The coat turned out to be quite long for him, though I suppose it was supposed to be knee-length.

— Ew, how rich... — the boy grimaced.

— Hey, at least be a bit grateful! — I said, grabbing his shoulder and pushing him out of the room. A girl who was waiting for us at the entrance bowed when she saw us and then spoke:

— I was asked to lead you to the dining room, please follow me.

She turned out to be a maid or something of that sort, and we had to follow her. We walked down the corridor for a while until we stopped in front of a large door. Opening it, the girl paused and, after bowing, let us through. Taking my "brother" by the hand, I led him forward. We found ourselves in a large, pleasant place; it was spacious yet not empty. There were paintings, flowers in vases, and much more. In the middle of the room stood a fairly large oval table. The table was already set: roasted chicken and potatoes, salads, and also a pie.

— Hello, guys! You look splendid! — Sweet Ann exclaimed, waving at us and inviting us to the table, — I just knew this clothing would suit you, it looks very good! Sit down, you must be very hungry...!

Glancing around, I noticed Ruby's intense gaze on me, which made me feel uneasy and nervous, but at least Al wasn't looking at me, focused on a small book in his hand.

— Oh God, what uncertainty! — Ann said, coming over to us and pushing us toward the table. We finally snapped out of it and obediently sat down near the others, I opposite Ruby, and Oliver opposite Ann, which I envied...

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