6. Breach of Contract

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Pov: Yohi

The day at the bakery seemed endless. People constantly coming and going, many occupying tables to enjoy pastries and tea — everything was as usual. In a corner at one of the tables, as bored as I was, sat Oliver. He swung his legs and doodled in his new notebook — a gift from Ruby. Just yesterday at lunch, he shared that, besides sewing, he had taken up drawing, and Ruby, having gone out on a date in the evening, came back with a notebook and a couple of simple pencils for him.

— Yohi, can I go out for a walk? — he suddenly asked, approaching me with the notebook in his hands. He pulled me away from another customer, who kindly decided to wait.

I looked at him, surprised by his sudden request. After thinking it over, I took him a little away from the counter and replied:

— Alright, but promise me one thing: If you see anyone from our new family, avoid them. Understand?

Oliver nodded, his eyes glowing with sincerity as he responded:

— I promise, Yohi. I'm just bored! I want to explore the city!

I knew I could trust his words. Oliver never lied, and although that usually only made things worse — now it was advantageous. Besides, what kind of beast would I be to keep an active kid locked up all day, even if it was by my side?

When I let him go, he carelessly tossed his notebook on the counter and quickly ran out of the bakery, leaving me alone in this delicious place, though he hadn't really brightened my day before. Left to myself, I continued my work, but my heart grew heavier with boredom. I sold bread, served pastries, poured tea for people, watched everyone, but my mind seemed to shut off, sinking into indifference.

And so, during one of those moments, a young woman with long straight pink hair found herself in line. She started talking to the girl behind her, but I wasn't listening, my attention fixed on her appearance — she seemed so familiar.

"Wait a minute..." — it dawned on me as she approached and looked at me, and I remembered — "Hmm... haha... maybe brighten my day a bit? It'll be interesting to see her reaction... and the reaction of others... I've heard this town is clean and beautiful, everyone is kind and abides by the law... maybe she'll be terribly embarrassed, haha. Besides, Oliver isn't here, neither are Ruby or Ann, who would know, who would punish me...?"

— Hello! — the woman smiled when it was her turn. I just nodded sadly, which she clearly noticed, — I'd like 3 cinnamon rolls, that flatbread... two... and one loaf, the thicker one over there.

I began to fetch everything the woman requested, keeping my facial expression as sour as possible.

— Such a handsome young man shouldn't be sad, is something wrong? — the woman spoke to me, smiling caringly. Are most people here really so kind-hearted? And Oliver didn't get help that day, probably because he was at fault, stealing money from those men.

— Oh, thank you for your concern. Yes, to be honest — something did happen... — I sighed sadly, handing the woman 3 rolls in a single bag, — A little boy came in today, ordered some fancy bakery products worth two gold coins, and I, foolishly inexperienced, handed over the order first and then waited for the money, the little rascal just took it and ran off. Sweet Ann, my employer, saw everything, I'll have to pay that money, and I'm already damn poor... — skillfully holding back a smile, I said, drawing the attention of some other customers to this silly tale, just as I had hoped.

— Oh, that's terrible... well, you learn from mistakes... and what goes around comes around! — the woman encouraged me as I handed her the rest of her order.

— Yes... who would have thought that children with a cane and a bad leg could run so fast... — hinting, I added, trying to remember the face of the guy who tripped my "brother" with a cane, causing him to suffer. I didn't like Oliver as a person, but he was a child, and suffering children make my heart bleed, — And in a skirt... I thought those were hard to run in...

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