𝟎𝟎𝟏. who's fuckin' ethan?

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THE ONE THING YOU WERE HOPING to not happen of course had to happen. honestly, why? you were woken up to a few soft knocks on your door, immediately waking up from a deep sleep; your eyes darting to the boy in the bed beside you, dead asleep with the duvet pulled down to his hips, laying on his back. you couldn't lie, he looked pretty cute at the moment with his hair all messy and his cheeks tinted pink. but this wasn't the time to stare at your boyfriend, you actually had to wake him up.

"matt!" you shook him, attempting to wake him up. "wake up! you need to hide!" you whisper-shouted.

matt jolted awake, not saying a single word to you. he quickly climbed out of your bed, grabbing his clothes off of the floor and hurrying to your closet, silently shutting the door. thank god this isn't the first time this has happened; so matt knew exactly what to do.

you cleared your throat and looked around the room for any evidence that a boy could've been here.

"honey, can i come in?" your mom called softly.

are you actually fucking me right now? you thought. it was only your mom, she thinks you and matt are just friends. she doesn't give a shit when matt's here or not, but she knows to keep her mouth shut around your dad, knowing he hates when matt is around. still, your mom probably would've been pissed to see you were sleeping in the same bed with a boy, especially on a school night.

"yeah, come in." you sighed, watching the door slowly creak open as your moms head peaked in through the door, then she opened the door all the way.

"you getting up? you've gotta go in a few minutes." she asked, glancing around the room then meeting your eyes.

"yeah, i'm up, don't worry." you yawned. "where's dad?" you asked.

"uh, he left for work..." your mom paused, looking at her watch and cocking an eyebrow. "about five minutes ago." she added.

you nodded slowly. "okay, i gotta get ready." you pretended to make your bed.

your mom slowly nodded. "okay. well, i'm off to work. see you later tonight." your mom smiled. walking over to you and kissing your head then walking out of your room, closing the door slowly.

matt waited a minute until he knew your mom was for sure gone, then he opened the closet door. you giggled once you saw him, his hair was even messier and he was sweating a little bit; clearly showing he was nervous. but he had changed while he was in the closet into his outfit for school. you jumped off of your bed, skipping over to matt and wrapping your arms around his neck as matt chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you off of the ground slightly.

"thank fuck it was just your mom." matt exhaled, pulling away from you and meeting your eyes, his blue eyes sparkling.

"i know. i was so relieved." you cracked a smile, reaching your hands up and running your fingers through matt's hair, fixing it up for him. "but, my parents are both gone now so we've got the house to ourselves." you placed your hands on matt's chest.

"well, we've gotta get to school. so fun's over." matt kissed your cheek then walked over to the side of your bed, grabbing his backpack where it was poorly hiding. "come on, time to get ready!" he smirked.

"god, i fucking hate school." you groaned, walking over to your dresser and pulling out an outfit for school.

୨⁠♡ৎ 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩 ୨⁠♡ৎ

YOUR TEACHER WAS NONSTOP TALKING THE whole class, something about a group project to finish off the school year. it is kind of hard to believe that you are just a few months away from finishing high school. it was harder to believe that you're eighteen yet your dad still won't let you have a boyfriend. it fucking sucks. but who are you to listen to him? i mean, you know you should, but you love matt and why would you give up something this good for your dads stupid rules?

𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌 - 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐎Where stories live. Discover now