𝟎𝟐𝟓. loml (love of my life)

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featuring, loml by taylor swift


THE CRISP AUTUMN EVENING BREEZE BLEW through your hair as you watched the sun set below the mountains in the distance. you stared blankly at the field in front of you as you shifted on the bleachers beneath you, the same spot you sat at matt's lacrosse game several years ago. you crossed your arms over your chest, shivering for the millionth time in the past thirty minutes you have been waiting for matt to hopefully show up. you wished you wore a hoodie or something underneath the jersey.

you were started to loose hope in matt showing up. you felt stupid thinking he will. you knew this plan would go to shit, now you just felt like the dumbest most cheesiest person in the world. you sighed, fighting back the tears from spilling from your eyes as you glanced behind you to see an empty parking lot. the man you were hoping to see was no where in sight, making your chest ache. it hurt you even more knowing matt had read the message you sent a few minutes after you had sent it.

meanwhile, matt's heart was racing with adrenaline as he sped his car down the highway to your parents house. he kept repeating the text you sent him in his head over and over, and it never made sense to him. not even the slightest amount.

"jesus christ, what do you mean, y/n?" matt grumbled to himself, dragging a hand through his hair. he didn't know why he was struggling so much with your hint; matt knew you more than anyone in the world and could read your mind just by the way your eyebrows furrowed. his mind raced with a million assumptions but the only place he could think that you'd be was at your parents house.

it felt weird to you both knowing that you could be seeing each other soon. you hadn't seen each other since your argument that accrued a week ago, and you both thought you'd forget how to speak to each other properly again. it worried you and matt to the core.

you started to loose hope, telling yourself you'd wait another thirty minutes longer then you'd go home, realizing matt wasn't the one for you after all.

matt eventually pulled into your parents driveway, trying to calm his nerves by taking deep breaths, but it barely stopped his heart from pounding through his chest. he didn't know if you'd be behind this door and he wouldn't know what to do if you weren't. you have always been the love of matt's life. never in his whole life would he ever think he'd hurt the girl he loved so deeply that she ended everything with him completely. it pained him to think about how bad of a boyfriend he had been. he doesn't deserve you in any way shape or form, and for him to treat you the way he did makes him feel more and more ungrateful.

right as matt lifted his hand to knock on the front door, his phone started buzzing in his pocket. he dropped his hand, snatching his phone from his pocket to hopefully be receiving a call from you. he was disappointed to see that his boss was calling him. matt's face dropped in defeat as he declined the call, only for matt's boss to send him a text letting him know that the call was important.

matt couldn't believe what bad timing this was. he grunted, accepting the incoming call from his boss then walking over to his car, leaning on the passenger door as he held his phone to his ear.

"hey, matt. thanks for picking up." his boss spoke.

"yeah, no problem. this isn't a good time though, i've got something really important to do right now so can we make this quick?" matt glanced over to the front door.

"i understand, but you're going to want to hear this, matt." he started. "look, you know how you and your assistant julia shared a hotel room for that trip to new york i asked you to attended?" matt's boss asked.

𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌 - 𝐌.𝐒 ( ✔︎ )Where stories live. Discover now