𝟎𝟎𝟕. but daddy i love him

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୨⁠♡ৎ 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍 (𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊) ୨⁠♡ৎ

YOU SOBBED, PICKING UP YOUR PHONE and pressing a few buttons until you came face to face with matt's contact. you had been crying for the past five minutes with your face stuffed into your pillows until your realized you had to actually call your boyfriend and break the news. better sooner than later, right?

you attempted to take a deep breath then pressed another button on your phone, calling matt. matt was a little confused when he saw you calling since you had gotten home not that long ago. he got up off of chris's bed, telling him you were calling and that he'd be right back. him and chris were currently taking turns playing rounds of fortnite. matt shut chris's door then hurried off to his room, quickly answering your call.

"hey, baby, what's wrong, are you okay?" matt asked, quickly asking if you were okay as he heard you sob from the other end of the phone. "fuck, what's wrong, y/n?" matt asked concerned as he started to worry.

"matt, it's so bad." you cried. "my dad banned you from ever coming over here and i can't even go over there anymore. how are we ever going to convince him now that you're a good guy if he doesn't want to see you ever again?" you sobbed.

matt's breath hitched in his throat as he processed your words, repeating in his head a few times. "i... i don't know, baby. shit." there was nothing matt could say to your words because he couldn't think of an answer to your question. truth be told, matt had the same question as you and he wanted it answered just as much as you did. "we will work it out, i promise." matt exhaled.

you didn't have much to say either; but, you had told matt you were going to try and talk to him and try to explain how important matt actually is to you and you thought, maybe, just maybe this time he'd hear you out and actually listen to you for once in his life.

୨⁠♡ৎ 𝐍𝐎𝐖 ୨⁠♡ৎ

YOU SIGHED, REACHING FOR YOUR BEDROOM door handle, then quickly pulling your hand away from it. you didn't even want to make eye contact with your dad, let alone be in the same room as him or talk to him. you knew you had to at some point, though, but it was too early to speak to your dad. you were willing to fight for matt but it was difficult to do so.

you took another breath then opened the bedroom door, walking out and down the stairs with your head down. your mom was in the kitchen making coffee when you made it to the front door. she peeked her head around the wall and saw you putting on your shoes.

"bye, y/n, have a good day at school, okay?" your mom smiled at you.

you turned to face your mom and kept your face blank, pulling your hood over your head then opening the door and leaving. you felt bad for pretty much ignoring your mom, but she was blind to see what your dad was doing to you. you just wished your mom would do something about your dads tantrums and about his shitty rules to keep you safe.

you got into your car and drove yourself to school. usually, once you got to school you would go meet matt at a certain spot; but today you just went straight to your class. you couldn't even look at your boyfriend knowing he wasn't allowed to be around at your house anymore and you weren't even allowed at his. you made your way to your first class of the day, dropping your bag on the floor and plopping into your seat, hiding your face in your arms on the desk.

little did you know, matt saw you enter the school. in fact he was waiting for you to walk through those doors. he needed to see you after how he knew the situation affected you and he just wanted to be there and comfort you and tell you everything is going to be okay and work out. matt was a little taken aback when he saw you completely blow him off and walk straight to your class. you never usually do that. matt ran a hand through his hair then brought his fingers up to his lips, chewing on his nail. then, he walked off to your classroom; he didn't want to give up on you and let you just walk away from him.

𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌 - 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐎Where stories live. Discover now