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chapter┊ ✦

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chapter . :: one
hospital  ˚ ݂

When Lydia woke up that morning, she was frantic. She had overslept and it was already very late. Last night, she had forgotten to plug in her phone, and it had turned off. She got up as fast as she could and changed clothes. She didn't want to make a bad first impression, but it was already too late to fix herself up enough, and being late wouldn't help at all.

She grabbed her robe and packed her surgical scrubs along with anything else she might need into a backpack. Once in the car, she drove carefully due to the heavy rain. She couldn't stop cursing quietly all the way. Why did this have to happen to her on this particular day? Every two seconds, she glanced at her wristwatch or the clock on the car dashboard, and when she realized there were only five minutes left, she accelerated a bit more.

Upon arriving at the hospital, she parked the car in the parking lot and ran out to avoid getting too wet. At the entrance, a security guard looked at her curiously, and Lydia nervously smiled. That man had a furrowed brow; he knew everyone in that small town, and a stranger stood out quite a bit. Lydia timidly nodded in greeting and entered the place.

It wasn't a very large hospital, but boy, was it busy. She approached the reception nurse, but the nurse didn't seem to notice her when she was in front of her.

"Hello," Lydia greeted cheerfully, a big smile adorning her face.

The woman looked over her glasses, quite bored and somewhat tired.

"Can I help you with something?"

Lydia smiled. She had to stay positive even on her worst days.

"Yes, I'm looking for..." she glanced at the paper in her hands, "Dr. Roberts, Maia Roberts."

The nurse looked at her curiously.

"The director?"

"Yes. I'm Lydia, the new doctor," she explained with a big smile that revealed her teeth.

The nurse nodded with a small sigh. She seemed quite tired.

"Give me a minute, I'll tell her you're here."

"Thank you."

Lydia observed the name tag hanging on her lab coat, Marlene, that's what it said. And right below it said: "head nurse." She immediately knew she had to get along with that woman if she wanted to survive in that place.

The nurse picked up the phone next to the computer, and Lydia didn't hear what she said, but she was staring at her intently.

"She's coming," Olivia said, returning to her work and not looking back at Lydia. But just a few minutes later, a very elegant woman appeared. She must have been around fifty, but she looked quite radiant. Although her mere presence was quite intimidating. She approached Lydia and gave her a tired but friendly smile.

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