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chapter┊ ✦

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chapter┊ ✦. :: thirty eight
♡ ﹙reunion﹚ ❋  ˚  ݂ ꛒ

A few days before New Year's Eve, Lydia received a letter. She was surprised to find out it was from her sister, inviting her to a family dinner.

Lydia agreed, after all, Lilian was the only blood family she had left, and she could give it another try now that Jonah was gone. Maybe Lilian had changed a bit. Maybe she had matured after everything that had happened.

Carlisle was with her every step of the way. Lilian no longer lived in Seattle, so this time they had to travel to California. Now that Carlisle no longer sparkled in the sun, he was very helpful because he could go to public places at any time of the day without any problem.

The taxi dropped them off in front of Lilian's house. It was quite nice in a neighborhood that seemed quite calm and family-friendly. Carlisle was carrying Maven, who had just woken up.

Lydia was the one who rang the doorbell. She smiled somewhat awkwardly when she saw her sister, who also seemed quite uncomfortable.

"Come in," she said softly. She looked quite tired, with large purple bags under her eyes indicating how little she had slept.

They entered the house while Lilian closed the door and directed them down the hallway to the living room.

"Your new house is very nice," Lydia said, trying to break the awkward silence.

Lilian smiled a little, although it almost seemed like a grimace.

"Thank you. I actually bought it with some of the money Jonah left me. After what happened, I'm surprised he left me anything," she cleared her throat. "The food is almost ready, you can go to the living room, and I'll be with you in a moment."

She pointed them in the direction of the living room and Lilian walked to the kitchen. Lydia looked at Carlisle, who shrugged, and they walked to the living room. The TV was on a children's channel, and then they saw Logan on the floor playing with some toys.

Lydia smiled tenderly and approached the child, who turned to look curiously at the newcomers.

"Hi, Logan," Lydia greeted as she sat on the sofa. "I'm Aunt Lydia."

The child just laughed and showed her one of his toys. Carlisle approached and sat Maven next to the other child.

"This is your cousin, Maven," he said to the child, who turned to look at his cousin with curiosity.

Maven also stared at him intently, with some curiosity, and crawled closer to him. It was a quite lovely moment as the two started playing together.

Lydia looked at Carlisle with a big smile. Then Lilian appeared and took a seat on another sofa. She looked first at the children and then at the couple.

"I'm sorry, Lydia," she murmured with tears in her eyes. "I'm really sorry. I behaved like an immature child for so long, and because of me, you almost died. I have no one else but you, and I don't want to lose you too. When Jonah found out that Logan wasn't his... he tore the whole house apart, I was scared to death, and he just left. I didn't hear from him until I saw the news. And Mark... Logan's real father, he didn't even want to know about me."

Lydia looked at her sister with sadness, she could see how broken her sister was, and she didn't like it. But still, she wasn't ready to forgive her for everything she had done to her.

"Hey, calm down," Lydia told her. "Everything will be fine. You don't need anyone else to raise your son."

Lilian nodded.

"I got a good job at a cooking magazine, I can work from home, so it's easier to take care of Logan," she looked at her son. "Lydia, you don't need to forgive me, if I were you, I wouldn't. I was the worst sister in the whole universe, and I think we could start over if that's okay with you. We don't have to be best friends, but I would like Logan to have family to turn to if he ever gets into trouble."

"Don't worry about that, Lilian. Logan will always have a family no matter what happens."

She nodded gratefully.

It was true that Lydia wasn't ready to forgive her sister after all the horrible things she had done since they were children, but Logan wasn't to blame for absolutely anything.

"Thank you," she murmured through tears. "If you want, you can go to the table."

Lydia stood up and carried Logan in her arms, Carlisle was in charge of picking up Maven, and the three of them headed to the dining room.

Lilian had really changed a lot.

It was a strange but quite pleasant dinner after all. Maybe they wouldn't keep in touch that much, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to see each other once or twice a year.

Later they would find out that Jonah found out that Logan wasn't his son because he checked Lilian's cell phone messages, where she was talking to Mark and telling him the whole truth. Jonah didn't take it well at all, and in the end, he took desperate measures.

On the other hand, Charlie didn't take Bella's death well at all. Alice had come up with something, and they decided that the most feasible thing was a car accident. But at least Charlie seemed happy to meet his granddaughter.

Jacob had taken charge of the girl. Both Billy and Charlie helped him a lot with it, and not only them, the whole pack helped in their own way.

They named the girl Maggie. Lydia had never seen Jacob happier than when he was with his daughter. Maybe he was still too young, but he would certainly be an excellent father.

The only one who wasn't so happy was Edward. Although he no longer locked himself in his room, he sometimes seemed distant and lost in his thoughts. Still, he tried, mainly for his family.

Everyone told him that one day he would find the love of his life, he just had to wait a little longer. But honestly, he hoped it would take much longer. He had had enough for one lifetime, and maybe he could wait for the next one.

Alice organized a wonderful New Year's Eve dinner, they invited the werewolves and Charlie, who didn't hesitate to join them. He still seemed down, but he also made an effort to move on.

Maggie was his reason for existing. That girl brought him immense happiness. She was quite similar to Bella, and that filled his heart with joy.

And with that, they started a new year. Alice had already started with the wedding preparations, and not only her, in fact, all the Cullens were more than excited about the celebration.

Finally, Lydia and Carlisle would get married. They both deserved it more than anyone else in the whole universe.

 They both deserved it more than anyone else in the whole universe

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