Here one minute...

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We all have our part of the story to share

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We all have our part of the story to share. I'm gonna start. Judith is my name and the most important thing you need to know about me is I am my father's daughter. My dad? That would be Rick Grimes. Sheriff's Deputy in a small town outside of Atlanta, GA. That was before my time. So was the beginning of the fall of humanity. At least that's what I hear is described as, anyway. I don't know what humanity was like before this. Pretty much, we just call it, the Apocalypse. I am one of many. Just a child of the Apocalypse. I won't bore you with all the details. I'm too focused on today. Everything is so screwed up. Blowing the bridge and killing a ginormous herd of walkers started the whole mess. I mean, before that, things were hard. Really hard. No peace, no quiet, scavenging for everything and killing walkers every day. That's a given on any day. But that day? So what! A bridge blew up. Maybe. But on this day, there was a plan. The plan got all fouled up by some really bad guys and..." The words suddenly seem to be stuck in Judith's throat. "...well, my dad was on that bridge. Yep. It was suppose to be a trap we set for the walkers. About a hundred of the undead were headed right for us so the bridge, the one that had taken us so long to build. I'm not really sure why the bridge exploded that day but suddenly my dad was gone and so were the walkers. He saved us. Michonne never believed my dad had died on the bridge so she's been looking for him. She finally said she had to go away to find him. I didn't understand. The day she left she gave me a hand-held radio and said she would contact me every evening at the same time. At least until she finds dad."

Here one minute...

Well, mom's been gone for years now and I've long since lost radio contact with her.  I refuse to read anything bad into that.  I can't.  I won't.  I have to hold on to what hope I still have.  For RJ's sake...and mine.  The last radio message I got from mom was, "The brave man might still be alive."  Nothing else.  Just silence and it was deafening.  I just can't lose Michonne too!  I never knew my real mom.  Her name was Lori and Dad says I look a lot like her.  She died when I was born.  Michonne came along and fell in love with my dad.  Somewhere along the way...she fell in love with Carl and me too.

Then one day, as I'm trudging along, dragging my feet in the dirt and just trying to get my chores done; suddenly my radio springs to life!  It seemed like just a bunch of static at first BUT then I heard something.  The sound of her voice startled me so bad I dropped the radio in the dust!  It was Michonne!  Err...I mean mom!  Scrambling to pick the radio up, I hear her say, "I found the brave man!  We're coming home!  She told me when and where to meet them and I promised, through my tears, that I heard her loud and clear!  The radio then went quiet and I raced to tell RJ that mom and dad were on their way home.

So there we were on the day she said they would arrive.  Me and RJ.  I have dad's old Colt Python strapped to my hip and my katana on my back.  I long since passed Dad's old hat down to RJ like the rite of passage it had become. 

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