To New Beginnings

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(Chapter Disclosure:  Even though there are some amazing happy moments written all through this chapter...there are also very dark overtones as well.  You have been cautioned.)

With Morgan, Glenn, Eugene, Negan and Gabriel gone right now, I think any celebration we're planning as a welcome home for Mom, Dad, Carol and Daryl will still have a small gray cloud hanging over it. BUT, we're gonna throw everything we have into it!  While we're all still busy organizing and packing our own houses, some take time away to prepare and cook an amazing "welcome home" meal.  With all the adults making preparations and doing most of the organizing and packing, I thought it would be nice to get all the kids together and do something special.  I was able to find a few sheets of paper and some old markers, I think we managed to make some really nice signs for the party.  Each of us painted the palms of our hands and put them together to make heart shaped hand prints and all signed our names.  Jerry even promised to help us tape them up so everyone would see them.

Since the snow has finally stopped, RJ and I are back outside trying to do our chores.  I gotta tell you heart just wasn't into it.  Mom knows how badly I want to run out to the road and just wait.  My feelings have been so mixed up lately.  Honestly, I think I've heard or said goodbye and hello so many times, it's like there's a dang merry-go-round in my head. I just want everyone to come home so I can get off this crazy ride!   

Right now, my brother and I are headed out on a little goodwill mission.  Along the way, I shout "good morning" and throw a wave to some neighbors, who are out patrolling the grounds. The most important reason to hurry up and get the heck outta Dodge!  We can't keep this up!  It's a lot.  Patrolling and fighting off the walkers 24/7, not to mention whatever or whoever else might be out there wanting to take what little we have left.   Until we find another place to make into a home, it's what we have to do to survive. 

Our mission on this cold winter morning?  To take Jerry something hot to drink.  He's currently on look-out duty in the only tower still standing.  While RJ carefully holds the flask, I start to climb the make-shift ladder when suddenly I hear it. The sound is faint but I would recognize it anywhere!! It's the sound of a motorcycle. To be more's Uncle Daryl's bike rumbling up the road! I turned and shout for "Dog" as I jump down from the ladder and start running toward the sound!  RJ is close behind, dropping the flask of coffee in the dirt.  That sound is getting closer and closer and like music to my ears! Jerry had heard it too. I could hear him yelling to beat the band! "Hey, heeeyyyy!! Somebody get Rick! Get Rick!!" Jerry is now looking through a pair of binoculars as he continues excitedly, "There's a motorcycle coming up the road and there are 2 riders!!  Oh, for the love of Pete! Somebody get Rick out here!! NOW!! Carol and Daryl are home!! Jerry was so excited I thought he was going to tumble out of the tower and land in a puddle of coffee at the foot of the ladder! That is, I could've seen all that had I been standing there but RJ and I are already sprinting down the road as fast as we can, with "Dog" hot on our heels!

  I could hear him yelling to beat the band! "Hey, heeeyyyy!!  Somebody get Rick!  Get Rick!!"  Jerry is now looking through a pair of binoculars as he continues excitedly, "There's a motorcycle coming up the road and there are 2 riders!!  Oh, for...

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