He's Not My Dad?

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Meanwhile, Negan's young daughter, Jenny, is having her own problems. She's been feeling a bit insecure about her "family" relationship with Negan since his accident and then finding out he already has a daughter, only made it worse. Negan had stepped into the role as a "father" figure for her but now she's not sure he cares anymore. She had tried visiting him a couple of times while he was in the clinic recovering but she could never get him alone. Jenny was clearly jealous of Maggie and felt as though Negan didn't need or even want her around anymore. She just didn't know how to compete with Maggie. Then Haley shows up. His real daughter. Jenny cried herself to sleep at night thinking, "Why would he even want me around anymore? What am I to him?"

At one point, before the accident happened, Haley showed up and his feelings for Maggie surfaced, Jenny had started acting out. Let's see. Hard times, the constant threat of walkers and then throw in the teenage years and it's the making of a perfect storm. One evening, Negan sat her down and tried to have a "dad to daughter" talk. He knew Jenny was having a hard time with all the difficult changes in her young life, coupled with the loss of her real dad. Not remembering how this is actually done, he thought if he used her best friend, Judith, as an example of how well she adjusted she had been to not only having a new mother-figure step into her life that would help. And the fact that Judith was so much like Rick. He told her that Judith's best traits: her strength, tenacity and fierceness had come from Rick and yet Rick was not even her real dad. But the whole thing backfired, taking Negan completely by surprise. "What?!" Jenny's mouth dropped open and that's when Negan realized he'd made a terrible mistake. Negan never dreamed that Rick might not have told Judith yet. Had he just shared a secret that no one really knew...especially Judith and Jenny?!?

Then to make matters worse, Jenny had a falling out with Judith. She had expressed a desire to Judith about having her own gun. Judith disagreed because Jenny had no experience with firearms. She still remembers how it all started, "I don't understand why you can have a gun to carry and I can't. Not everyone is so lucky to even have a dad, let alone one like Rick Grimes! Well, you think you're just so cool with that gun on your hip and you act so tough, like Rick, but guess what?? Negan told me Rick's not even real your dad!" Jenny didn't know Judith had never been told but sadly, Jenny's words hurt Judith to the core! Jenny recalls her best friend crying out, "That's not true! Why are you lying? Negan would never say anything like that!" Then without another word, Judith starts to run home with the intention of confronting Rick but heads for her secret spot instead! Emotions and tempers had erupted and Jenny couldn't blame her friend. Without really meaning to, Jenny's jealousy had really hurt Judith. Once Judith disappeared, Jenny, who is on the verge of tears, gets up from her front porch and goes inside.

Little did they know, Daryl had innocently overheard the last part of their conversation. Suddenly, Dog comes running up, barking and wanting Daryl to follow him. He senses Dog knows just where Judith has run off to. There's no doubt in his mind. It's his turn to have a heart-to-heart with her.

There's a special, secret spot Judith goes to when she's upset or just needs to be alone with her thoughts

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There's a special, secret spot Judith goes to when she's upset or just needs to be alone with her thoughts. She shared it with her older brother, Carl, and he would always know where to find her when times were hard. It was under an old oak tree down by the creek. It was quiet there except for the occasional walker that might wander through but after years of that, it became only a small nuisance and nothing a sharp knife to the skull wouldn't take care of. Whenever Judith would feel the need for some quiet, uninterrupted thinking, she would head for this special place. Sometimes the birds would be singing and sometimes there might be a cool breeze blowing through the leaves on the tree. But she could always sit there, listening to the creek water rushing over the pebbles and her troubles would just melt away. She always found peace and solitude there and it was there Daryl found her; sitting under her tree, knees drawn up and head down...crying. All he had to do is follow Dog. Dog was his but he seemed to follow Judith everywhere. He was very protective of her just as Daryl was. Anyway, there she was. Wounded and vulnerable.

Daryl quietly walked over and sat down beside her

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Daryl quietly walked over and sat down beside her. That's all it took. She immediately turned and buried her face in his chest. "Oh, Uncle Daryl." Dog, now worried about his little charge, nuzzled her arm and whined. That's when the real crying started. "Woah, Jude." Daryl said. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. I remember not too long ago, you were the one that was there for me. So tell me, what's wrong?" Judith wiped her hand across her tear-stained face before she began. By the end of her story she was worn out. "Uncle Daryl, everything is a mess and I don't know what to do." Daryl is silent for a moment then responds, "I think the best way to handle this is like we do everything else. Head on. I know your dad would want you to come to him." Judith cocks her head to one side and still has a somewhat troubled look on her face. "Uncle Daryl, did you know about this? That he's not really my dad? If he's not then who is?" Judith's tears begin to fall again.

"Judith, now listen. Yes, I met your mom and dad long before you were born. I was a bit wild back then. Judith almost smiles as she quickly retorts, "Then?" Daryl nudges her in the arm as he continues, "Rick and I barely ever saw things the same way. Both stubborn and quick-tempered. Anyway, There were so many people you never got to meet before you were born. Good and bad. There were cowards and heroes. I can't tell you things that need to come from your dad. I will tell you that there's a difference between a dad and a father. Judith interrupts, "I always thought they were the same thing." Daryl continues, "Oh no, a father is only a man who makes a child. A dad is one who is honorable. Who loves and raises his own child or even someone else's when that father walks away or does something else that disqualifies him to be a dad." Rick may not be the one that made you but he is and always will be...your dad. Judith asks, "But what about the rest of the story?" "Jude, that's where that courage Rick instilled in you comes into play. I could offer you a lot of 'maybes' or 'I thinks' but you need to have a brave talk with him." Judith looks Daryl in the eyes and understands. He knows bad dads. Judith knows Rick is a good dad. Does she really care anymore about who made her? She gives Daryl a tight hug and ends their conversation with, "Thanks, Uncle Daryl. For helping me understand. I know my dad is the only dad I could ever want or need. He loves me and that's enough. Now, I have a friend I need to apologize to." Daryl smiles down to her, nodding his approval. "And I have a team I need to organize. We pull out day after tomorrow." He thinks, "I'm sure proud of this little girl. One day, I want a daughter just like her." He smiles again. They get up and walk back up the hill together. Her load, a little lighter now. His load, still heavy; not knowing what the next few days would bring.

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